Thursday, May 13, 2021

FaVorites: Malik

If you're a fan of the male form, and if you've check out Montreal's Stock Bar, either in person, or on their incredible site, (HERE:) you've probably familiar with Malik.  Malik is one of Stock Bar's most well known an popular performers due to his powerful performances and incredible work on the poll.  If you haven't seen Malik's naked upside down circles on the poll, you really don't know what you're missing...

Although the pandemic meant Stock Bar's doors are closed for now, they are planning their reopening.  I plan on finally making it there once it's safe to travel again.  In the meantime, the club's site has an incredible archive (HERE:) of performances including many great ones of Malik.  You can also check out more of Malik on his OnlyFans (HERE) and some of my favorite shots of the talented performer on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

1 comment:

JiEL said...

I'm living in Montreal and for sure the Stock Bar's guys are very cool ones.

I personnaly prefer the Campus, not far from the Stock Bar.

Many porn stars on many internet sites come from those two male strippers bars.

Tristan Bull, Alexy Tyler are two I know and had touched in private «dances» in the past.