Monday, October 23, 2023

Feline Familiars:

'You're going to turn me into one of those fat, useless, contented house cats.'
Thackery Binx


In European folklore of the medieval and early modern periods, familiars (strictly familiar spirits, as familiar also meant just "close friend" These are often the witches pet and companion and were believed to be supernatural entities or spiritual guardians that would both protect or assist.

Bell Book And Candle

I couldn't do a theme day about witches without at least a brief mention familiars.  Although often a black cat, like Binx in Hocus Pocus, familiars don't necessarily have to be cats, or black from that matter.  One of my favorite familiars is Pyewacket, the brown sealpoint Siamese, who was the familiar to Gillian Holroyd, the witch played by Kim Novak in 1958's Bell, Book and Candle. 

I think all pets, whether you're a witch or not act as familiars, cats most of all.  Dogs may do more protecting, at least on the surface, but cats have skills and qualities I believe need to be believed in more than to be seen.  

Anyone who's had a cat knows what I mean.  I've loved my dogs, and know they love me, but my cats, they keep a look out.  Both my cats and dogs loved looking out the window, keeping an eye for any danger, or visitors to my home.  My dog however, would welcome them all, no matter their motive.  My cat however, was more discerning.   My dog loved you with just a pat, with my cat, you really had to work for it.


'In the pewter mornings, the cat, a black fur sausage with yellow Houdini eyes, jumps up on the bed and tries to get onto my head. It’s his way of telling whether or not I’m dead'
Margaret Atwood

Artwork below by badsign769

Familiars can protect you in many ways, including protecting a male witches junk as they fly through the air.  They're furry junk covering can also protect you from Instagram censors, who look to ban you for even a hint of penis, even on an art piece.  RJ from badsign769 knows exactly where a warm, furry familiar needs to be placed!

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