Monday, October 23, 2023

Lights On Studio: The Last Midnight

'It's the last midnight.
 It's the last verse. 
Now, before it's past midnight, 
I'm leaving you my last curse'

In Ancient Greek, Kallikrates means beautiful power, and it seemed the perfect witch name to give spellbinding, not mention hunky, Benjamin.  Although this wasn't the last verse in photographer for Tom Nakielski (Lights On Studio) shooting holiday images, it most defiantly may have been cursed... 

Although Tom had been having mobility issues prior to this shoot, he had a bad fall during this shoot.  Of course I didn't ask Tom to lug a huge, really heavy, antique clock around the studio, Tom is a perfectionist, who puts hours of planning and preparation into his shoots and themes.  Thankfully, Kallikrates, and his powerful beauty, was there to lend a hand.

' I tripped and fell. Luckily Kallikrates is a hunk and a half and lifted me up with ease. I felt like a damsel in distress and my knight in shining armor came to my rescue. Hmmm, a ploy I might try again....'

Kallikrates not only helped behind the scenes he also lit up in front of the camera.  In my previous piece, I focused on Kallikrates in his witch's wardrobe, but for this  piece, most of the conjurer's clothing were on the floor.  All that was left, were a few lines of leather.

You can see all of Tom's creativity in planning, not only with the clock, the prop centerpiece, but in the mystical lighting, background mist, and the hand held smoke makers.  I especially love how Tom used lighting and color to highlight the smoke, creating a magic and mystical look and feel. 

I had sadly thought that after last year's holiday shoots with Zilo and Zeus that we passed the last midnight for Tom's Halloween shoots.  But.. as any good witch knows,  the right ingredients, in just the right potion, might just create magic.  I'll guess we'll have to see if the concoction conjured anything up later this week.... stay tuned with your wand armed and ready. 

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