Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Jeff Bridges: ACTORS & Skin

I was introduced to Jeff Bridges after my parents rented King Kong for one of our family video, then VHS, nights.   As I stated in the previous post, when first watching the flick, I didn't really pay much attention to the actor.  I must have been about 10 or 11 and like the large Ape, I was infatuated with the beauty of Jessica Lange.  I also liked the story, and except for maybe seeing a few images in magazines, don't remember seeing a movie like it before.

I do remember a few years later seeing Bridges butt while again watching a rented film, this time 1984's Starman.  It wasn't until I got a bit older, that I really began to appreciate Bridges' talent, and his sex appeal.  I think the next Bridges film I saw, thanks to TCM, was The Last Picture Show.   Again, I never really knew much about the film, until hearing it discussed by the characters on Dawson's Creek.  That had me wanting to watch it when it aired on TCM, and do a post about it, and actor Timothy Bottoms. (HERE:)

Over the last decade or so, my love of older films has become a bit of a passion, and I've now seen many of Bridges big screen performances.   Some of my favorites are not necessarily his biggest, or most popular films, but they're ones I really enjoyed.  Some of my favorites include Jagged Edge, The Mirror Has Two Faces, The Door in the Floor and Winter Kills.

I also really loved Bridges' turn as the kidnapper in 1992's The Vanishing with Sandra Bullock and Kiefer Sutherland.  I remember watching that film on television and really being caught up in the tense drama.  I know some of Bridges' other performances should be on this list, but for some reason, I've never seen The Big Lebowski, or White Squall for that matter.  They are on my list however, of films to watch.

I've also gone back and watched Bridges turn as Jack Prescott in 1976's King Kong.  During my recent viewing, I certainly took notice of the actor, and his rugged good looks.  He looks especially hot with long hair as he's trying to win over Jessica Lange from the rather powerful, and hairy third in their love triangle.  

 Check out the three posts below for Bridges' nude scene resume from the 70's, 80's and early 2000's.

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