Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Skarsgård's: Alexander & Bill

Alexander and Bill are arguably the most well known of the Skarsgård siblings, with Alexander being the oldest, and Bill being the forth son of Stellan and My Skarsgård.  Both have had long and successful career on television and film.  Both also have a long list of nude scene credits.  I included the two brothers together as I've featured many of their nude scenes previously on the site.


Often times, my favorite nude scene from an actor, ends up being my first introduction.  That's certainly the case with Alexander.  The first time I saw Alexander's ass was in the 2008 HBO mini-series Generation Kill.  You can see caps and a clip from that scene on FH HERE:

I can't not include a few clips from True Blood.  Oh, those Sunday nights I looked forward to butt shots from Alexander, Ryan Kwanten and Joe Manganiello.  There's also the brief frontal in the show's finale. (See clip below)

True Blood


I think Bill might be my favorite Skarsgård brother.  Over the years, I've tended to enjoy more of his the roles he's taken on television and in movies.  I think one of my favorites was in 2010's  Himlen är oskyldigt blå (Behind Blue Skies). You can check out the clip on FH HERE:, but the rumor was the frontal was a prosthetic. 

Most recently, I've been enjoying Bill in the  Netflix series Clark.  If you haven't seen it yet, Bill has had several nude scenes in the show's first season.


The story of Clark Olofsson, the man behind Stockholm syndrome, who fooled all of Sweden to love him despite his crimes.

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