Thursday, February 6, 2025

John Davidson: Eight Short Months in Pictures

'Only the Good Die Young'

John Davidson's modeling career was a short one, starting just after his 19th birthday in 1964.  Davidson grew up in Bronxville New York, a wealthy suburb of New York City, about 15 miles from Champion Studios in Manhattan.  During his short eight month career, Davidson posed and for Champion, AGM and Bob Mizer and  photographer Pat Milo. 

Although he shot with Champion in New York, it was a trip to California for the Marines in January 1965 which led to Davidson's meeting with Mizer and AGM.  All of the images you see here were shot when Davidson was 19, between December 1964 and July 1965.  Sadly, Davidson didn't live to see his 20th birthday.

Davidson, aka Private First Class Gordon James Deitz Jr. USMC, served with K Company, 3rd Battalion, Third Marine Amphibious Force. Davidson sadly died on the way to Vietnam of Japanese Encephalitis onboard USS Iowa Jima on Independence Day, July 4th, 1965.  If you search 'Gordon James Deitz Jr' you can see some of the 19 year old's military tributes and obituaries. 

Check out a clip from The Sassy Seaman below:

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