"Dale was a complete professional during our shoot. We were, for the most part, working from emotions, and I was very impressed by how easily he could move from one 'feeling' to another. There was one set-up in particular where we were working with sorrow and loss; he became so intensely involved in it that I had to ask him to stop. I didn't want him to go any deeper as boundaries can be very delicate. So we moved outside the studio for some lighter work. And then, as we were heading back to the studio, we came upon an old warehouse, which led to some completely unplanned and unexpected nudes. Sometimes such 'accidents' can lead to some incredible shots. The nudes in the warehouse are, for me, very strong images, and the location suits Dale's particular 'look' very well."
Bill McClaren

"Bill is such an amazing pro. He has the ability to see the image in his mind prior to capturing it on film. Bill sees light and light effects in a way I have never seen before. It was fascinating to work with him and watch his process. Some of my best candid shots have come from Bill and I feel blessed for having had the opportunity to work with him."

Great shots
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