Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Canadian Clichés

'If you can tell people you're at Timmies and it's not followed by 'Timmy' who?'
You might be a Canadian...'

There are many clichés about Canadians, most I've discovered are true.  Although not all Canadians are hockey-loving, polar bear-riding, poutine eating, ice fishing in July, toque-wearing northerners who all say 'eh', there are a few Canadian clichés that fit many Canucks. 

Top 5 Canadian Clichés 

1. All about the maple syrup 
2. Hockey fanatics 
3. Merciless winters
4. Sorry, not sorry 
5. Timmies run 
6. An ode to beer

'Saying “Sorry” is good for you: Canadians are mocked for always apologizing, but it’s not a character flaw. Saying sorry has been found to boost happiness and strengthen relationships.'

From my experience, the six traits above are fairly accurate, especially those Timmies runs.  Timmies (Tim Horton) is Canada's main coffee house, and many Canadians hit the Timmies drive-through for a caffeine fix several times a day.

Devyn 247

I'm not sure how many people have Googled 'Tim Horton's Naked' , but I'm guessing I'm not the only one.  I was not especially surprised to learn, that although not that common, walking into Timmies naked is often the dare used in a Canadian evening truth or dare.  Devyn 247, and his buddy James, shared their naked Timmies run, (or walk) on Youtube.

1 comment:

JiEL said...

LOL! As a quebécois, I'm not all what you said here and surely not a Tim Horton fan.
If you didn't know Tim Horton is the name of a famous English hockey player who did start that chain of donuts and coffee stores.

Canada as USA is a huge country that stretcht over 5 time zones and some living in Vancouver are not used to the same habits as some in Halifax and surely not the same as us, French québécois living as a different cultural background.

Today is a sad day for our Canada Day celebrations as we mourn the dicovery of thousands of native children anonymous graves. Our past governements and Catholic Church priests did such things to try to assimilate indegenous children that led to all those attrocities.

Religion failed to take care of those innocent children.

Sad Canada Day 2021