Monday, May 19, 2014

Refresh: The Imagery of Dan Skinner

I can't believe it has been 3 years since the work of artist and writer Dan Skinner has graced the pages of FH. I began the blog in 2007, and quickly found and featured Dan's work the following year. Various features and stories followed on the blog over the next four years. Dan's work, especially his images depicting intimacy and passion within male relationships, is both beautifully powerful and visually distinctive. Dan's work with his muse Dave has always been a favorite of mine, and readers of the blog, and have featured it several times, never tiring of Dan's images and stories of their collaborations together. Before checking out some of Dan's new work below, take a look back to some of my favorite pieces featuring the work of Dan Skinner.

Dan Skinner on FH:


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