Sunday, February 21, 2016

Studio: David Christopher by Dominick Avellino

'I want my morals, values and beliefs, inner most and outer meaning, all my visible and invisible strengths and weaknesses, rooted in everything I do.'

We all live two (or maybe three or four) different lives. The one in front of camera, our work and public live, and our private life, home alone, or with those we trust most. When putting together a follow-up for my profile last year (Undiscovered Stories) with model and actor David Christopher, I decided to explore both. Most of the models I covered are featured in a series of images shot by other. Professional images taken for their portfolios. I love this series from photographer and fashion designer Dominick Avellino. .

Dominick's images demonstrate why I was drawn to David's work last winter and beautifully portray his strength in front of the camera. In the piece below, David shares more chapters in his journey featuring a series of selfies, which I think provide a fascinating contrast. Both sets of images strong and sexy, yet each share and explore different sides of the man being captured and reflected.

Many of his images have an intensity that mirror David's own life and experiences. I was struck by the images below as it was so different from the other images. Such a beautiful contrast to both assumption, and the other images in the series. David felt the same way. 'The image a very good photo done by Dominick. It is something different, abstract, light hearted, creative and playful. It captures the moment splendidly.'

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