Monday, February 1, 2021

Happy Groundhog Day!

'No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.'
Hal Borland

Although I love author Hal Borland's quote, it's didn't really apply to the spring of 2020.  With the pandemic really revving up, it feels like last spring was really a blur.  Most of the first half of the year was really like one long Groundhog day with lock-downs and closures making one day feel just like the other.   Hopefully this year's Groundhog Day will be the start of a year full of positive changes, and not a repeat of last year, or more importantly,  a repeat of the last four years...

Groundhog day is really like the Lady Edith of holidays.  We like it, but pay it little to no attention. We don't really think about it until it's actually right in front of us, and it's overshadowed by more decorated and celebrated holidays.  Sure, there are a lot of old men hanging around, but none seem really very invested, nor does she in them.  There are no special meals,  gifts or decorations, just a poor groundhog hauled out for a few fleeting minutes of camera time.

When I was a kid, I always felt sorry for the Groundhog when the local news would air the day's ceremony. The poor thing always looked so stressed, and the heavy coated stuffy ol men around him didn't really seem to give a fuck. I always thought the poor animal was most likely in a small cage the other364 days a year, carted out that one day for the holiday photo op

There can be some joy, and some erotic holiday fun in any holiday, even Groundhog Day. A few years ago, thanks to photographer Tom Nakielski (Lights On Studio) and model Michael Moody, our randy rodent had a little more fun than he usually does on February 2nd.  (HERE:) Tom's holiday shoot with Michael remains a favorite of mine, and really, how often do you see a hot male model in an erotic Groundhog Day shoot?

This year, before I knew Tom was shooting a model for the holiday, I went back to the old shoot to see if there were images to celebrate the holiday that I hadn't used before.  That's when I had an idea!  I asked artist Roy Johnson (badsign769) if he might have time to put his own artistic take one of Tom's images of Michael. As you can see from the results below, Roy certainly worked his creative magic!  If I was Michael however, I'd watch out for that groundhog, he looks a little hungry...  

Happy Groundhog Day!


lights on studio said...

Finally a full frontal of Michael! LOL. Thanks Roy

Hot guys said...

Happy, happy! 👏🏻🖤