Saturday, February 12, 2022

12 Days: Samuel L. Jackson The Caveman's Valentine

'Inside a tortured mind... The clues that lead to a killer.'

In 2001'  A Caveman's Valentine, actor Samuel L. Jackson plays Romulus Ledbetter, a former family man and pianist who had been studying at Juilliard music school. Romulus now suffers from paranoid schizophrenia and lives in a cave in Inwood Park, New York. He believes that a man named Cornelius Gould Stuyvesant is controlling the world with rays from the top of the Chrysler Building, and that his mind is inhabited by moth-like seraphs. On Valentine’s Day, he discovers the frozen body of a young man, left in a tree outside of his cave. 

The 2001 mystery flick was directed by Kasi Lemmons who many of you may know from her role as Jodie Foster's friend Ardelia in The Silence of the Lambs. Lemmons had previously worked with Jackson on 1997's Eve's Bayou, Lemmon's critically acclaimed film, the first she both wrote and directed. 

I've always found Jackson powerfully sexy, but was surprised to find a nude scene, especially one with a brief (very brief) frontal. I read an article a few years ago in which he stated he wasn't planning on doing any nude scenes and if they were required he be using a body double.  I guess this film was done before had the change of heart.  Below is a quote an interview Jackson gave to Howard Stern.

'I might ask for a d**k double," Jackson responded, when Stern asked if he'd ever show his "ween." "Do you feel your penis isn't big enough to show off on camera?" Stern asked, bluntly. "I don't know if it's… yeah," Jackson confessed. "I don't know if it's formidable enough. My aura's so big, I don't know if my d**k is big enough to fill my aura."

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