Friday, December 30, 2022

Undressed & Uncorked: by TR Pics


'Too much of anything is bad, but too much champagne is just right.' 
F. Scott Fitzgerald

No matter what you're uncorking this New Year's Eve, it's important to pop off safely.   The beginning is the easy part.  To start, simply slowly and carefully peel off the covering.  It's important that the longest and smoothest part is fully exposed.   

Next, it's important to get a firm grip, wrapping your hands tightly around the area closest to the tip.  Then, it's time to start twisting, gently at first, although it may require more pressure and energy to ensure a really powerful and robust pop.  Be careful though, if all goes right, when it explodes into the air, you're likely to get just a little bit wet.

Thanks to Tom from TR Pics, we have two holiday hunks,  Gingy Redd and Rugger Canis, popping their corks for FH viewers this New Year's Eve are .  Gingy goes first, slowly sipping the sweat, sparking liquid.  Rugger goes second, quickly downing his fizzed filled bubbly.   If you follow the site, you know that Tom and I share a love of holiday themed imagery.  In addition to his Halloween and Christmas themed imagery, Tom had previously shared a New Year's Eve shoot back in 2017. (HERE:


When I asked Tom if he'd shot any new images or the ear end holiday, he replied that although he hadn't, he had a few shoots lined up for the upcoming week.  Tom said that he' ask the models he was scheduled to shoot if they'd pose a few NYE themed shots.  As you can see, Gingy and Rugger happily grasped their flutes.  Thanks to Gingy, Rugger and especially Tom. Not only did Tom capture these images so close to Christmas, but it was also right in the middle of getting ready to leave for a three week holiday trip!

'New Year's has always been about ringing in the new but not forgetting the old... and these two models kind of incorporate that notion for me. Rugger (beard, against the brick wall) is a new model for me, and we hit it off tremendously. We are already making plans on shooting again right after the beginning of 2023. '

'Gingy, is actually a model I shoot a few years ago, but he looked very differently. He had short cropped hair and a beard, and after our second shoot decided to take break from social media. Two months ago he wrote to me that we was ready to begin posing again, and with his dramatic new look (mainly the long hair), we had a great shoot! He too plans to come back soon and create some more art in front of my lens. Here's hoping the new year will be as good if not better than this past one! Cheers!'

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