Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Another Pop At It! Michael Moody by Lights On Studio

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Welcome to Burlesque

The highlight of last year's FH St. Patrick's Day celebration was definitely model Michael Moody and his erotic balloon pop. (HERE:)  Photographer Tom Nakielski, (Lights On Studio)  Tom got the creative inspiration while out shopping for props for the shoot.  The store he ended up in, specialized in balloons, so a balloon theme made the most sense. 

Tom wanted to do something different, something more imaginative than just Michael posing with a big green balloon bouquet.  Then it came to him, and Tom got the got the idea to go for the feel and theme of an classic Burlesque show.  One of the staples of Burlesque was the balloon strip, so Tom had Michael do his own unique take on the balloon dance done by many old vaudeville strippers.

'The idea was to do a takeoff on the old time burlesque show that had a dancer covered with balloons  and the dancer would pop the balloons one at a time.  Michael was all in. He is very animated and gleefully popped the balloons. He always gets into the roleplay making sessions a breeze and fun.'

When I started thinking of pieces for this year's St. Paddy's Day posts, I kept going back to Tom's shots of Michael and his sexy balloon strip.  I think Michael is one of of my favorite models that Tom has worked with, and I've written before how much I love the energy and enthusiasm he brings to whatever theme he is shooting, and whatever character he's taking on.

I also love how full on Tom goes with his ideas and creativity, especially for the holiday shoots.  This why together, Tom and Michael are such superb creative collaborators.  Although Michael fighting off a randy rodent on Groundhog day comes in a close second, I think his balloon popping strip has taken the top spot as one of my favorite shoots that he and Tom have done together.   I loved that Tom found some shots I hadn't previously posted including some outtakes and some shots of Michael in his mask as they were starting the shoot. 

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