Friday, September 22, 2023

Mooning Men:

'Summer ends, and Autumn comes, and he who would have it otherwise would have high tide always and a full moon every night.' 
Hal Borland

I'm not sure these are the type of full moons journalist and naturalist Hal Borland was referring to, butt they magnificently fit the theme.  I didn't really intend to, but as the seasonal sightings progressed this year, I noticed a pattern of mooning men.  Two, three, sometimes many more hot guys, turning around and dropping trow for the camera.

There is something incredibly hot about seeing a group of guys, asses on display, for a image and the enjoyment of others.  It's especially hot, if the guys are friends, using their full moons as a way to bond.  It can be any group of guys, a group of straight guys, gay guys, or a combo of both.  It can be brothers, buddies, or members of a group or team.

Mooning is also sort of an equalizer, you don't have to be classically handsome, you don't have to have the perfect body or face, you just have to be willing.  Some of the hottest butts aren't necessarily attached to the hottest guys, but it doesn't matter.  Even a shy guy, nervous about displaying their penis, can feel confident and have fun showing off their ass. 

Everyone loves a great group of moons in a row.  I know whenever I post an mooning men image on social media, at least one or two comments come up with the poster rating and choosing their favorite backside, withe some posting which of the appetizing asses they would love to dive into if given the chance.  Talk about a Sofie's Choice!

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