Saturday, October 7, 2023

Sweat Corn: Jason by Shax Carter

' A light wind swept over the corn, and all nature laughed in the sunshine.' 
Anne Bronte

Although there are many similarities between Canadian Thanksgiving and their neighbors to the south, there are also some distinct differences.  The origins of the Canadian day of thanks are not rooted in mythical feast bringing together Native Americans and Pilgrims.

Americans model their holiday on a 1621 harvest feast shared between the Wampanoag people and the English colonists. The first few Thanksgiving holidays in Canada were intended to thank God for keeping explorers safe as they traveled to the New World. Over time, Canadian Thanksgiving evolved to express gratitude to God for a bountiful Fall harvest.

In America, Thanksgiving takes place on the forth Thursday in November.  In Canada, it's celebrated on the second Monday in October.  The meals are the same, although Canadians tend to be a little less creative with their sides.  It isn't common to find mac and cheese at a Canadian Thanksgiving dinner, just the Turkey and dressing, mashed potatoes and plenty of vegetables. 

For most Canadians, the more vegetables the better.  Given the meal is to celebrate harvest, there's usually plenty of fresh in-season vegetables to balance out all that dressing and gravy.  Since the holiday is about harvest, it seemed appropriate to head out to a field, in this case a field of corn.

Some of you might recognize Jason, the hottie posing between the corn stacks.  I featured Jason's work with photographer Shax Carter last year, and I loved this series, and saved them to use during Harvest Season.  You can check out more of Shax's work with Jason in the previous posts HERE:

Check out more hot hunks frolicking in the corn field, and showing off their stalks on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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