Sunday, October 29, 2023

Trick or Treat

'There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch.' Robert Brault

Holidays have us looking back, usually to simpler times when we were young, and holidays were about fantasy more than just a day to get through.  Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, not because of the costumes and candy, but because it's not a family holiday.  There are no family meals to get through, no gifts to buy, except for ourselves, and no relatives, that you only see once a year, that you have to endure while chatting over canned cranberry sauce. 

Halloween isn't about love, it's not a February 14th, when you have to wonder why you're still alone, or why you're still hanging onto a loser.  Halloween can be anything, or everything, you want to be.  It can be a holiday you decorate for, or a holiday you don't.  It can be filled with great food and parties, or just a movie, or a good book.  

No one judges you for not going to a Halloween party, or not having your house lit up with orange lights.  No one pressures you buy a witch hat, or to call your grandma, and send her holiday wishes.  Halloween can be anything, or nothing, it's totally up to you.  That's why I like it so much, I like having the control to do exactly what I want.

Now it shouldn't surprise anyone that I go all out.  I decorate my house, I light the porch with orange lights and I carve more than a few pumpkins.  I also dress up.  I  have a costume for a party if there is one, and usually a second costume for work that day.   I don't dress up to give out candy, but I do wear a silly hat, or a black cape to answer the door.

Usually I slip on my costume and do my trick or treating like everyone else, on the evening of the 31st.  This year however, I'm a little early.  The last week of October on FH is always filled with witches, ghosts, black cats and demons.  This year, however, I'm putting them back in their boxes a little early.

This is my last Halloween themed day for the month, but not my last post for October.  I have what I think is a creative surprise for the 31st.  The theme, might be a little  Halloween adjacent, but not directly connected.  If you're not too busy, or hung over from too much sugar, come back for a visit on Tuesday night to check it out!  HAPPHALLOWEEN!!!

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