Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Celebrity Olympics: Part III

When I started my series spotlighting Battle Of The Network Stars earlier this year, I don't think I knew what I was in for.  I also don't think I realized how many editions of the ABC celebrity reality series there were.  I'm up to the third edition, but there are so many more to go!

San Pedro Beach Bums (1977)

In addition to finding many new images of retro hunks in speedos, I've also been introduced to a few television hunks I'd never heard of before.  For the third Battle, I was introduced an actor I had to find a little more about.  The hottie hanging onto the rope for dear life is actor Chris DeRose.  During the time of the third Battle in 1977, DeRose was co-starring in the short-lived ABC comedy series The San Pedro Beach Bums.

I'd not heard of DeRose or the show before, but I did a little research while putting together this piece.  DeRose began working professionally on television in the late 70's and in addition to the sit-com appeared on episodes of Baretta, General Hospital, The Rockford Files, Cagney & Lacey and CHiPs. DeRose continued to work off an on through the early 2010's with one of his last television roles being on a 2007 episode of CSI. 

DeRose's main passion however is animal rights. DeRose is the founder and president of Last Chance for Animals (LCA) and the author of the book In Your Face: From Actor to Animal Activist. DeRose has been arrested 12 times and jailed four times for opposing animal cruelty, including his participation in a break-in at the UCLA Brain Research Institute in 1988.   DeRose was actually fired from his role on General Hospital after being sentenced to jail for the break-in.

DeRose received the 1997 Courage of Conscience International Peace Award for his commitment to saving animals and exposing animal abuse in entertainment, medical research and food production. In 2006, he became the Director of Animal Welfare for West Hollywood, California.  DeRose also appeared in the 2006 HBO documentary Dealing Dogs, about the  butchering of dogs for food.

In addition to DeRose, there were dozens of other celebrities in the third Battle of the Network Stars which aired in November of 1977.  Check out the highlights on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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