Friday, September 20, 2024

The First Breath of Autumn : Nate by Michael von Redlich

'The first breath of autumn was in the air, a prodigal feeling, a feeling of wanting, taking, and keeping before it is too late'
A Month in the Country

Over the last few years, I've been fortunate to have featured many shoots from photographer Michael von Redlich.  Most of those pieces focused on shoots with individual models, many, including; Seth Peterson, Kylan Boyd, Ethan Tate and Noah White, also work in the adult film industry. When I first contacted Michael about showcasing his work on the site however, it wasn't about a model, it was about a season.

Although many of the shoots I've featured recently were shot in Arizona, Michael actually lives, and frequently works, in his home state of New Hampshire.   When I first discovered Michael's work on Model Mayhem, it was his shots of models shot during the brilliant and colorful New Hampshire Autumns that initially caught my eye.  If you check out my very first profile of Michael's work, it was piece titled 'Autumn' from way back in 2011. 

This early Autumn shoot took place in and around Concord, New Hampshire.   There is nothing like those first fresh breath airs you inhale in early Autumn.  You can smell the season changing organically through nature's metamorphosis.  On the day of the shoot, the colors were just starting to change.  Although there was a coolness in the air, the sun was still shining bright enough for a comfortable nude photo shoot.

Michael headed out to a secret Autumn garden with Nate, a young hottie with zero modeling experience.  Nate saw Michael's profile on-line, and really wanted to be photographed. The artistic rendezvous wasn't a secret because of the location, it was a secret because Nate didn't want anyone to find out...

In addition to a disapproving family, Nate also knew his partner wasn't supportive with his desire to give nude modeling a try.  As we all know however, when there's something we're passionate about, and something we want to try, even disapproving loved ones, don't get in the way.

Nate really enjoyed his maiden voyage into modeling naked.  Although a little shy at first, once the denim and plaid were finally on the forest floor, Nate relaxed and really enjoyed his day.  There's a unique fervid feel to being nude in the woods, feeling both the coolness from the air, and heat from the sun, cascading over your naked body.

Michael shares that Nate enjoyed the experience so much, he wants to do it again, and this time, push his erotic boundaries even further.  The problem though, is that pesky partner, who makes scheduling a day or two for a shoot a bit of a challenge.  Hopefully Nate will get an opportunity soon, or put his relationship to the test, and be honest about pursuing his passion for modeling and erotic exhibitionist. 

In the meantime however, there's still much more of Michael's work with Nate to enjoy.   Michael sent on over 1100 shots from there time shooting in the woods.  If you check out the last few images below, you might see a river in the background.  Although it was pretty chilly, it was too much for Nate to resist, and he had to strip down and get in.  Check out those shots on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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