Monday, December 30, 2024

Running Bared

'The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.'

One of my favorite New Year traditions is brining in the new year with nakedness.  Many cities and towns have naked New Year runs or polar dips.  Sometimes they're on December 31st,  often they're early in the morning on January 1st.  Both are fun, but the January 1st run or dip also helps if you have a hang over.

There's nothing like the feel of frigid cold air on your naked body, or freezing cold water sliding up your ass crack.  If you've ever done it, you know what I mean.  I know there are naked runs, swims and bike rides all year long, but none require the unique courage necessary for the nude winter events.

I've never done a naked winter run, but I have done several polar dips.  Two, for public run events, were in speedos.  One, with just a few friends was nude.  The nude dip was actually less painful as that speedo felt like knives against your skin, especially when you got out of the water and it  began to freeze on your skin.

If you're not quite up for a public New Year's strip, you can always do a private one.  Several New Year's Eve midnights, I've run outside naked, on my deck or in my backyard.  Even without the freezing cold water, it's energizing and a great way to start the New Year!

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