Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 31st

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Who Dat?

Do you recognize the GQ model above?  Maybe it helps to see him with longer hair and a mustache in the cigarette add below.  Or... maybe you need to see him fully naked to help identify who he is.  If so, head on over to the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Perspective From Paris

'This is proof that sometimes you can lose, but still learn from that.'

Italy’s Thomas Ceccon swam to a gold in the men’s 100 backstroke, in a swim that was redemption from last year at the 2023 World Championships when he won silver. Ceccon is the World Record holder in the event and stood at the top of the podium this week.

Thomas became an Internet sensation with his win.  It was just his gold, but also those cum gutters that were seen all over the net, and all over the world.  That wee glimpse when he raised his hands, whether Thomas intended it or not, became a world wide thirst trap.  

If my social feeds are any indication, the Olympics seem to making a lot of people thirsty for the hot male form. Thomas certainly delivered a tall, quenching and satisfying drink of water.

Thomas Ceccon on Instagram

Blast From The Past: Paul Provenza in Conversion Therapy

'Gay journalist, Frank Johnston sets out to write an expose on Dr. Apsey, a therapist who claims to convert gays to straight.'

Earlier this year, I did a piece spotlighting the 'male stripper' episode of the 80's sit-com The Facts of Life. (HERE:)  The show was airing on one of my retro-channels, and I watched more than a few episodes over the course of the year.  Although it's run is now over, replaced by repeats of Cheers, I did catch a few episodes from the final season and a certain actor grabbed my attention.

I wasn't really familiar with Paul Provenza as an actor.  I sort of remember seeing him, or at least hearing his name, as a comedian on talk shows when I was a kid.  He's actually had quite a slew of roles on television including turns on Northern Exposure, Pursuit of Happiness, The West Wing and Empty Nest

The Facts of Life

I didn't remember however, that he played Blair's social worker boyfriend on and off in the last two season of The Facts of Life.  I immediately recognized his face, but couldn't quite place him until heading to IMDB.  There was something about him however, and his character on the show, that I found incredibly hot.

I went on the hunt to see if there were any shirtless shots and was surprised to find Provenza had a nude scene in the 2002 Drama Conversion Therapy, aka Fixing Frank.  It's one of those rare rear frontals, where you can sort of see everything, for a split second, as Provenza's character gets into a bathtub.  

If you watch the clip, you'll also notice actor Andrew Elvis Miller also has a full frontal at the beginning of the clip. Adapted by a stage play by Ken Hanes, Fixing Frank tackles the subject of 'conversion' with Jonathan, (Provenza) encouraging his friend Frank, (Miller) to investigate a therapist, (Dan Butler) claiming to convert gay men straight. 

Mr. Mercedes: Eugene by Tony Xavier Photos

'In my opinion, the best way to accept your body is to take a part in a naked photoshoot.'

Like people, cars have specific reputations, often based on how they're promoted, and who they're promoted to.  When you think of a Mercedes Benz, you can't help but think of luxury and performance.  Luxury, and they're often associated with the rich and famous. Performance for their increased horsepower, torque and speed as well easy handling and a smooth ride.

Reputation can be tricky thing, especially when it comes to male models.  The tropes are often Zoolander connected,  hot, but not particularly bright,  cocky, conceited and full of themselves.  Since starting FH, I've certainly interviewed a few cocky and conceited male models, but most of the men I've featured, are actually just the opposite.  

Most of the models I've featured are thoughtful and self-reflective and keenly aware of pros and cons of nude modeling.  I'm still surprised at how many male models struggled with body image, and never felt they could be a model.  So many also share how modeling helped empower them, improve their confidence, and change how they see themselves when they now look in the mirror.

Model Eugene Grishchenko struggle with how he looked for years.  He thought he was too skinny, and spent hours at the gym trying to bulk up and gain muscle.  As many of us know however, no matter how much we try to change, it's not an easy process, an some bodies are just resistant to change.  It's at that point, it's attitude more than anything that needs a shift and for Eugene, it was modeling that really help modify his perspective and sense of self. 

I know that many people would to anything to have Eugene's hot body, his long lean limbs, beautiful eyes and hot head of curly brown hair.  I'm personally very tall, and many have commented to me over the years how lucky I'm to be so.  I on the other hand, always wanted to be a few inches shorter, and have an easier time blending into a group or crowd.  We all want to make changes, even when others think you look great. 

 When Eugene and photographer Tony Xavier were throwing around ideas for their upcoming shoot, Eugene mentioned he had a passion for cars.  Tony knew instantly that the classic Mercedes Benz he had should a part of the shoot.  Eugene looks right at home with the Benz, and Tony beautifully captures both the luxury, performance and sleek sexiness of both model and machine. 

What first brought you to modeling? 
Modeling was never my dream, but I was always curious how it works and what I’m capable of as a model. I started with regular photoshoots in street style, then switched to nude photo sessions. 

Modeling for me is the way to show myself and embrace my confidence. I have experience in different types of photoshoots. I’m not a shy person, and always wanted to model for naked photos. However, I’d love it to be more on an art, than on a porn side.  Modeling is also always an opportunity to meet new talented people, to create something interesting and cool together. 

I know you're an actor, is modeling a way to help promote your work, or something separate? 
Yes, modeling helps me show others that I’m flexible, open to many things and I can play different roles. I have a lot of ideas for photoshoots which hopefully will be brought to life soon. 

Curious if you've ever done a nude scene in a play or on film? 
A few years ago I did some crazy things in Europe, acting for some European studios. As Miley Cyrus sings, “I used to be young, I used to be crazy”.  For now, I don’t think that I want to do more  nude movie scenes, but it can be discussed. For me, it always depends on the partner, style and vibe. 

What were you thoughts about modeling nude prior to your first shoot? 
For many years I didn’t accept my body, spending hours at the gym to gain more muscles, yet still was skinny. Recently I made the decision: if I can’t change it - I have to live with it. In my opinion, the best way to accept your body is to take a part in a naked photoshoot. As for the first shoot - I was really excited, the photographer was great and we had awesome photos as a result. 

How did you connect with Tony? 
I bumped into his Instagram and totally fell in love with his work. He is one of the most talented photographers I’ve ever met in my life. 

Tell me about the shoot, how did the theme/setup come about? 
I told Tony that I love cars and driving, he offered me a photoshoot with his Mercedes, and it was amazing. I love that Tony has many ideas for the shoots, we share pictures that we like and create the ideas for photoshoots together. 

What was your favorite part of your time with Tony? 
I love talented and creative people, and Tony definitely belongs to this group. On top of that, he is a great person. During our photo sessions we can have heartful conversations and gossip - isn’t that awesome! 

Any meaning behind your chest tat that you care to share? 
I’m generally a spiritual person - I do tarot readings and some other things. Now I have 7 tattoos on my body, and surely will have more soon. Every one of them has a certain meaning. As for my chest tattoo, it begins with a moon circle symbolizing main pagan holidays, all-seeing eye as a symbol of wisdom, and leaves mean a beginning of a new life, personal growth and strength. 

You also just started an Onyfans? 
I’m still working on the content but I’m sure it is going to be some art. I want to combine spiritual things and nudity. For example, one of the ideas is to post some naked tarot readings or something similar.

'I really enjoyed working with Eugene .  He was super down to earth and loved hearing about his journey that brought him to LA. He is strikingly handsome and definitely has a European flair. His tattoos are also so sexy.'

Tony Xavier on Twitter / Instagram

Eugene on Twitter / Instagram