Friday, February 28, 2025

Favorite Pic of the Day for March 1st

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A Vintage Vantage: 🌟

Only the gentle are ever really strong.
James Dean

I often wonder about today's crop of actors and who they remind me of from the past.  Some are easy, like Brad Pitt whose career reminds me a bit of Robert Redford's.  Truth is though, the business has changed so much, and there will never be the huge movie stars that there were in the past.

James Dean was one of a kind, and his early death has only added to the allure of his short career.  Dean only worked for one decade, the 1950's, but in the latter part of the decade he was one of the worlds biggest stars.  Nominated for two Best Actor Oscars,  both posthumous, each of the three big films he starred in were nominated for awards.

It's always interesting to ponder if actors like Dean and Marilyn Monroe had not died so early, what path would their career have taken. Would Dean have followed the path of Paul Newman, and continued to work in interesting projects?  Would he have been more like Brando and lost his looks, and worked mostly for money in the end.  Would he have been like Grace Kelly and basically walked away from Hollywood.  I suspect he'd have tried a Newman, but maybe ended up a Brando.  Actors as sexually desired as Brando and Dean were in their early days often struggle transitioning as seamlessly as Newman appeared to, at least on screen.

TR Pics: And The Winner Is..... 🏆

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Demi Moore: So Far So Good 📽️

It's been really great seeing Demi Moore on the awards circuit this year.  Like so many, I grew up watching Moore movies, from those Brat Pack flicks on VHS as a kid, to her Oscar nominated performance in The Substance last year.  I think my favorite Moore movies are her dramas.  A Few Good Men, The Juror, Now and Then, Ghost and Disclosure.   I think one of my favorites was 1988's The Seventh Sign.  That film scared the bejabbers out of me. 

Demi was also responsible for giving us our best view of a naked Rob Lowe.  Although Lowe had show a wee bit of skin previously, (The Outsiders, The Hotel New Hampshire) it was 1986's About Last Night that gave us a real view of Rob's rump.  We also got a quick flash of his penis with that 'open fridge' scene.   We got a slightly better view a couple of years later when his sex tape came out, but at this point, this was the most skin Lowe had bared on screen. 

I think it was in the early 1990's, when I was still in Jr. High that I first saw About Last Night.  It was rental and I remember watching with a group of friends.  I remember crushing hard over Lowe at the time and working hard to refrain from showing it during the watch.  Thankfully, I didn't catch the quick penis flash when it aired.  It was quick, and I only knew it happened as some of the girls started giggling, then someone asked if everyone saw it.

This of course, let to me renting the movie again a week or so later and watching, and pausing, the scene when I was in my own home alone.  I remember finding it hard to difficult to find the moment, and had to keep rewatching and rewinding.  At one point my older brother walked in to mock my listening to Sheena Easton's So Far, So Good.  The Easton song played over a montage of scenes in the film, just prior to Rob's rod made it's brief appearance.

Making love was easy...being in love difficult.

Unless three's an upset, I expect Demi to take home the Oscar Sunday night.  She's had a winning season so far, and her acceptance speeches have been exceptional.  I'm not sure how she'll top her speech after winning The Golden Globe, but look forward to seeing and hearing if she wins.

The Fridge Door

As nice as the frontal flash was, I think my favorite moment of Lowe skin was the shower scene below.  It's quick, (again) but love how it's filmed and how we see the lines of curves of his back and butt.

The Carnality of Cotton: Victor by Bob Burkhardt

'As someone who felt like I hit a wall with my own personal art, I was intrigued at the idea of using my body to create the art itself.'

For some reason, this series had me thinking about towels, and how connected they were to so many sexual awakenings.  For many of us, hot men in towels were a gateway to our love of the male form.  We saw hot men in towels on TV and in movies, we saw athletes in towels after competitions, and we saw men, just a few feet away in the locker room, donned only in a towel.

How many of us, some still in the closet, shot quick, but secret glances at those towel wearing hotties.  Hopping the cotton or terry cloth might reveal a hint of what was underneath.   Sometimes we were rewarded, when some guys, who appeared confident and bold, dropped their towels, seemingly not caring who might be watching and enjoying.  When I was a kid, I used to keep my towel tightly wrapped, not because I was ashamed of my body, but because I knew my developing erection, would give me away.

I don't hold that towel as closely today.  First off, I'm older, and have a bit more control over my body, and it's reaction to visual stimulation.  Well, most of my body, I still tend to blush when I'm around someone I find attractive.   Secondly, quick glances in the locker room are a mostly a thing of the past.  Although I may still take a peak now and then, I'm not in locker rooms as much as I was when I was younger, and there are many other options and places for sensual stimulation.  Thankfully, we don't have to wish for a towel slip from Victor.  Photographer Bob Burkhardt choose the colored towels are not to necessarily cover, but to contrast and highlight Victors features and beautiful body. 

When, and why did you decide to start modeling? 
I started to model in 2023 as an outlet for self expression outside of my day-to-day. As someone who felt like I hit a wall with my own personal art, I was intrigued at the idea of using my body to create the art itself. It first manifested in the form of tattoos and eventually modelling. Besides photography, I've modelled a few times for life drawing studios and that helped me grow the confidence I needed. 

I also found it a really unique way of capturing myself at a point in my life behind someone's lens. It was a freeze frame of that unique moment in my life, whether or not it was obvious to anyone but myself. 

Was modeling nude originally part of the plan? 
Yes! I used to be extremely shy, but over time I've become very comfortable with my body. I was always intrigued by exhibitionism and voyeurism. I do enjoy expressing myself in a more erotic context, but over time I've become drawn to artistic nudes and the intrigue of showing just enough to leave the viewer guessing. 

Did you have any factors you had to weigh prior to your first shoot? 
For my very first time in front of the camera, it was the nerves of putting myself on such a vulnerable display with a worry that people I knew might end up seeing the photos. I still think about that, but I've reached a level of comfort where that no longer worries me. 

How did you feel seeing your first nude on-line? 
It was exciting and pretty empowering. I loved the experience of being nude and expressing myself through my body for all to see. Before that it felt vulnerable and scary, but afterwards I felt much stronger and sure of myself. 

What has been the response, have you had any positive feedback? 
Happy to say yes, the response has been great! I still have a lot to learn about completely immersing myself as a model and being able to approach a shoot with total confidence. As a Chinese man, I am always aware of the challenges of falling into a niche when it comes to mainstream standards. The great feedback I've gotten so far has been very encouraging and helped me realize I just need to keep being true to myself.

Do you have any boundaries when it comes to what you're comfortable shooting? 
I am very open minded and love everything from tasteful nudity to erotic. Although I still feel shyness creeping in from time-to-time, I've tried some bolder things like modelling fully nude on an overpass, or on a Brooklyn rooftop in a busy neighborhood. I've also tried modelling with a partner which I'd love to explore again. 

How did you connect with Bob? 
We connected through ModelMayhem - I loved the candid, natural lighting of his photography and was humbled that a seasoned photographer like Bob expressed interest in working with me. I booked a trip over as soon as possible! 

Did you discuss any themes, ideas before the shoot?
Bob had ideas for poses and outfits which I loved. I posed wearing a variety of underwear and sportswear on the bed and against a wall by the window to capture the natural light. Some of my favorite shots involve me wearing his white onesie, where the pose shows just enough to be sensual, but leaving enough covered to create some mystery and entice the viewer. 

What is the best part about working with Bob? 
Bob was an absolute pleasure to work with! He was respectful, patient and put me at complete ease for the shoot. Working with Bob was an incredible experience. 

Any stories about your tats you can share? 
The snake tattoo represents my zodiac sign, and embracing the good and the bad (hot-headed but thoughtful, observant, determined and caring.) The snake also represents shedding my skin, always transforming and growing throughout my life. I also have tats that are just simply things that give me joy, like my leg tattoo of a dog eating noodles.