I Love Grey's Anatomy. I was not going to include it on my list. I have written many times about my love for the show and the reasons for it. First and foremost Sondra Rhimes and the talented writers she has put together. You can search the site for Grey's and find out why I love it and which actors are my favorite.
Then one of my favorite magazines decided to put Grey's on their worst list for television last year. I had to mount a bit of rebuttal. I hate when writers, magazine or any jump on bandwagons. Grey's got a lot of press last year for cast departures and possible cast departures. (personally glad Katherine stayed, personally glad T.R left) But I think the Grey's backlash is only to jump on the media's occupation with the backstage cast dramas.
On stage, on screen, Grey's remains one of televisions best hours. Dramatic, skillfully acted and exquisitely written. Of course like all shows it has it's ups and downs but to me Grey' is currently on an up. Kevin McKidd and the wonderful Jessica Capshaw (so wasted on The Practice) are wonderful and Grey's core cast continue to deliver week after week. Certainly births and actors doing movies are making scheduling a headache, but it is not showing. Some of the shows focusing on one character were amazing. With all due respect to EW, Grey's is far from out of steam, it is still boiling over. Last seasons cliffhanger may have been manipulative and overly done but you can not argue it was also a rollercoaster ride, wild with an emotional punch which held you for weeks. Keep up the great work!

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