Personally I am glad Bert & Ernie are remaining ambiguous about their sexuality. I don't need them outed. I know they are most likely gay. The fact writers of one of the most influential children's television program wrote them, so that many people think they are gay, is powerful enough for me.
Those who read FH on a regular basis know I am not a fan of outing. (With the exception of those demonstrating extreme hypocrisy). I am all for supporting, nudging and even pushing if needed ,but that should be coming from their friends not strangers on the Internet. If Elmo and Grover are OK with how their friends live their lives so should we.
Now the explanation that the Muppet's don't have sexual orientation is bull, we all know that. Many of the characters have had crushes on one another. You can't however use Piggy's lust for Kermie as an example as their love occurred mostly on the more adult oriented Muppet Show. Speaking of The Muppet Show, my guess is the producers of that show might be more likely to reveal that there were more than feathers boas and glitter in that backstage closet...

1 comment:
As a kid growing up with Ernie & Bert I actually never gave it a thought WHAT they were! I pretty much felt they were more like father & son! Bert was so uptight and square..Ernie just the opposite, etc.!! Probably more of that good ol' Fox News-esque propaganda to put something out there that isn't really there!! Wasn't that stupid purple Teletubbie under the same Mc Cartney Era scrutiny a few years back??!!! OK, Bert's his "buddy" and they sleep in (separate beds) in the same room! So does that mean Janet & Crissy (Cindy, Terri) were lesbians by the same logic??!!! So funny what people will talk about on a slow news day!!!
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