Most Superheroes are sexualized to a degree, tight spandex wardrobe, bulging muscles and super powers we all have imagined being used sexually at some point (it's a wonder Lois Lane can walk). But super women, especially Wonder Woman, have certainly get the short end of the stick when it comes to trying to fulfill the fantasy's of the comic book crowd. Over at Bleeding Cool they ask the question; What if Superheroes posed like Wonder Woman on the David Finnch Justice League Cover. As you can see the results...are mixed.

Thanks to Claudia for the link!
I must admit as a kid watching the ultra-campy TV "Batman" had its moments of thrill for me; but not necessarily because of the male guests, per se (most of the time!)! The concept of his being unmasked publicly was a little titillating to me!! Especially when that really nellie Mad Hatter so politely ordered him to "remove your cowl.." and also suggested he sit and pose for a scandalous, revealing photograph for the world to see....! "YIKES" };-)
To finish the last thought...that's how a porn sometimes begins, doesn't it??? ;-) I have to add an additional thought....! Also on TV Batman, although Frank Gorshin was no Adonis by standards, he did have a nice package in those green tights when he wasn't wearing that ? jacket!! :-)
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