I always question celebrities who take to the cover of magazine to discuss a personal matter. Usually the issue has already become old news as websites and newspapers have spread the word before the weekly can hit the newsstands. Although many celebrities will claim they 'want to help others going through the same thing', we all know the reason is generally all about money. If there is not a book coming out, there is a career or reputation to save. The public cry for understanding and sympathy is never as pure as depicted.

I wish no one harm, but why exactly are we expected to care about Giuliana Rancic's latest health drama. It looks like she will be fine which is great, but why does she, or anyone in the press think she is worth the ink or our time. I have never seen Giuliana do anything except go on talk shows, sometimes with her husband, and discuss her personal issues. Her weight, her inability to have a child and now her health scare. I had to check Wikipedia before writing this to even know what her claim to fame is. Besides some hosting jobs as far as I can tell her marriage to Apprentice winner Bill Rancic is about her biggest claim to fame. Her recent cancer scare, like her struggle to have a child, have become her career. Without her public pathos most people would have no clue who she is.
Below: Zachary Quinto

It is exactly people like Rancic that have me respect and appreciate celebrities like Zachary Quinto. I know gay rights have a long way to go and I know that changing the way others think is not easy and often involves going to battle. I also love however, those who choose to battle simply by being who they are. I love when gay celebrities, as Quinto did, toss out their sexuality the same way straight celebrities are able and have the right to. Some have scoffed at Quinto's saying he was never in the closet but I applaud that comment. Quinto never pretended to be straight, he never hid, he was often photographed smiling and hanging with gay friends and rumored boyfriends. He was often connected to gay themed projects, both on screen and on stage. Not making a formal announcement is not the same as pulling a Travolta.
Sometimes I wonder if celebrities who scream their sexuality on magazine covers hurt more than help. I know many of my fellow bloggers disagree and champion those who make sexuality a public affair, but I personally don't support being gay on the same list (that includes cheating, addiction & disease) that gets one on a magazine cover. Being gay isn't something you do, a crime you commit or something you get. It is just something you are. I don't know about the rest of you but my fight for gay rights is not to make being gay important, it is a fight to make it unimportant. I am looking forward to a world where someone comments on their sexuality is not a news story, it just is. Quinto doesn't need our pathos and for a celebrity weaving their way through today's media, that is refreshing.

It must be late ... I keep looking at that last picture of Zachary Quinto wondering what was wrong with him. He just looked so strange. Then I realized he has a third arm. Guess it's time for bed.
Well Guiliana has also hosted E News for the past five+ years I believe, so I believe that gives her some credit.
Kudos to Zachary. He's inspiring and has gained all my respect.
Wow...Can't believe what I just read. Guiliana is pretty big on the E! network and has been for years (way before she met Bill). Her reality show actually shows that she is a sweet person which is a pull from the norm that likes to glorify cattiness and shallowness. Her struggles with fertility was quite sad and anyone that watched her show would understand just how emotionally drained she was. I was shocked when I read about her latest health issue as she has already been through so much. Googling someone can't even begin to paint a picture of who they really are. I've been reading your blog for a long time so I know that your a really nice person but anyone just checking it out may get a totally different perspective by this latest entry. Bring back the niceness. It suits you. Leave the hate to Perez.
I have to admit that every time I've seen Guiliana on the numerous talk shows she's done about her attempts to get pregnant,my first thought has always been "eat a cookie bitch" (but in a nice way) maybe if you worried more about being healthy than being "camera thin" you'd get pregnant.I gave up watching E! ages ago as I loathe Seacrest but I always liked Guiliana and I hope she comes through this healthier and happier than ever.
I enjoyed reading the author's take on all points and agreed with each one. I didn't think he was being mean, but rather calling it like he sees it. Keep it up.
Enjoy getting your comments and I understand your point. But... my intent was not to be mean or cruel. My point was that I had not heard of this woman other than seeing her talk about her issues. I was trying to compare the way Quinto so gracefully weaved through the press to the way others seem to use it for publicity.
I think it is clear whether you like her or not that putting ones problems out to the press is firstly about creating publicity. There really is not another reason to share so much, especially the latest cancer scare which I believe most (not seeking attention) would have simply kept to themselves and their family.
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