Monday, December 31, 2018

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 31st

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🎈Check out today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:🎈

Year in, Year out

Happy New Year to all those who spend a few moments each day, or each week,  dropping into FH! A big  thank you to all those who  visit, and all those who contributed their talent and time to share with myself and the site! I wish for all of you, a year of laughter between the trials, positive moments mixed in with the tough ones, and new experiences to balance out the things we must do each and every day. A big hello to 2019, a year I hope a little kinder and gentler than the year which preceded it.

Image from Billy Hess

Tiny Bubbles

Check out more of Alan Esteves and this shoot on Page 2 HERE:

New Year's Party, circa 1973

You are making soft, feminine understatements with long, slinky gowns that cling to the curves of your body. Glittering backdrop, baubles around your neck, chrome and silver balls. Expectations in your eyes. Gift in his hand... for you.

Holiday Under Wraps
Playgirl, December 1973
Photos by Norbert Jobst and David Meyer

Stroke of Midnight:: Patrick by Lights On Studio

Tonight’s December thirty-first,
Something is about to burst.
The clock is crouching, dark and small,
Like a time bomb in the hall.
Hark, it's midnight, children dear.
Duck! Here comes another year!
Ogden Nash

When you get right down to it, New Year's Eve is really boils down to about 10 seconds.  Those few seconds of anticipation before the clock strikes twelve, and those few seconds, often with a dose of melancholy, just after the stroke of midnight.

I know for some, there are huge and sometimes even magical moments at midnight, some even choose that time to propose, or make big announcements to family and friends. When it comes down to it though,  most of our New Year Eve's are more about the anticipation, and those fleeting few seconds at the stroke of midnight 

It's those few seconds of magic, of hope and the promise of change that really epitomizes New Years Eve.  That moment the champagne is popped, the party horn is blown, the confetti falls.  The moment of the kiss, or wondering if there'll be a kiss, and even the regret after the kiss.  Those fleeting moments of midnight are the inspiration for Lights On Studio's Tom Nakielski and his New Year's Eve themed shoot with model Patrick Morgan.

'With New Years as our inspiration, we tried different setups and outfits. A sexy living room kind of setting. Sleeping on the couch after partying hardy. Popping champagne. Working with some oh so gay silver (lame') shorts and fabric. And of course confetti. Both of us had a good time and lots of laughs. Patrick was great in helping me set up the props and moving stuff around and used his creative talents to make each set up successful. A lot of the session was spontaneous.'

Patrick contacted Tom after checking out his portfolio on ModelMayhem.  The Michigan model was getting back into the modeling circuit after taking a bit of time off.  The timing turned out to be perfect for Tom who was looking for someone to collaborate with for a New Years celebration themed photo session.

Tom and Patrick got together at Tom's home office to discuss working together and by the end of their meeting, Tom was confident that Patrick would be a great addition to his portfolio. Not only was Patrick great looking and in great shape, he was also very engaging with an effervescent personality, perfect for the planned theme of celebrating New Years Eve! The shots on this page focus on those seconds before and after the stroke of midnight. If you want to check out shots of Patrick relaxing after the party, check out page 2 HERE:

'The photo session was a great time for me. The images on the couch were all fun and relaxing, and the champagne shots were exciting to say the least! The standing poses were my favorites to take, especially when I felt like I really was a Greek statue.'

Friday, December 28, 2018

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 29th

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Happy Birthday today December December 29th

Happy 46th to actor Jude Law!

Check out more of Jude and today's Birthdays HERE:

The shot of Jude Law above remains one of my favorites.  Not only because of how hot the naked Law looks on stage in 1995's Indiscretions, but because the magazine shot was my introduction to the actor.  It was before seeing him in Wilde, The Wisdom of Crocodiles or The Talented Mr. Ripley, it was this image that began lust of Law.

It Happened on 5th Avenue...

  Image from Richard Rothstein

As Slew of Sexy Santa Strippers head to the Unemployment Office, December 26th, 2018

Tis The Season?

When it comes to Christmas, I think those who celebrate are divided into two categories. There are those, who consider the holiday to be just one day, and quickly leave it behind once the 26th comes around.  Then there are those, like me, who milks Christmas out until January 1st or 2nd, sucking as much out of the holiday as I possibly can.  I know many FH readers groan around the holidays, aware that not a day, but a week or more of Santa Hats, pumpkins and Easter bunnies are in are store. 

Part of this of course comes from my love of most holidays, but in part it's due to how much I so often prefer the before and after more than the main event itself.  This year, like most, I worked up until the early evening on Christmas Eve.  My Christmas happens in waves, a small celebration on the 25th, another on the 26th and my main Christmas this year actually just happened this afternoon when most of my family finally came together. Today was the main day for gift giving, catching up and stuffing myself with far too much stuffing. 

Celebrating with different friends and family means I'm still wrapping and preparing even after the 25th has come and gone.  If you're one of those readers who wants the Santa hats shoved back in the box on the 26th, bear (or bare) with me.  The countdown is on and I'll soon be posting my last naked hunk in a Santa hat.  I eventually do put the hat, and the rest of the decorations away in a box, but always a little reluctantly.

Sam Dekker for COLT

Fill Your Boots: Justin by JW Johnson

I used to have a boss who answered almost every question asked of him with 'fill your boots.'. I had had never heard the expression before, but quickly learned it mean't...  If I wanted to leave early and the answer wasn't going to be positive, I simply got a no. If the response to my question was 'fill your boots.'  that meant it was ok to go.  He never gave a simple yes, that would mean he was ok with it.  A 'fill your boots' meant 'I don't give a shit, it's on you not me.'

I learned quickly to be nervous about a 'fill your boot' response as it sometimes, came back to haunt me.  If every there was an issue, my boss could say he didn't officially give me the ok, simply said it was up to me.  Fill your boots, not to mention filling your red sack and pouch has now taken on a new and erotically positive connection for me with these shots of Justin from JW Johnson Photo.

It was in part those boots that had me crushing over the adorable Justin when I was choosing shots to include in my Christmas Day post featuring JW's holiday images. (Sugar Plums)  There was something about Justin, and JW shots of him, I really loved.  Justin fills his boots, and, well everything else he's wearing nicely.  Justin has that boy next door look and appeal, that boy next door with the hot body that you hope and pray leaves the blinds open when he's in his room changing...

I was so taken with Justin in his little red ensemble, I had to ask JW if he had other, non-holiday images of the St. Louis hottie and indeed, he did. As you can see, JW shot Justin not only with his Santa sack for his calendars and greeting card series, but as well in his signature fire fighter theme.

JW shares that as sweet as Christmas eye candy Justin may appear, he was equally sweet during their work together.  After finding Justin on-line, JW quickly scheduled a shoot the next avaiable day that Justin had off work.  The first shoot was on the farm and Justin arrived Justin arrived eager and ready and JW reports he was a natural in front of the camera.