Friday, November 16, 2018

Top of the World: Sergey by Richard Rothstein

'The roof in these images is our roof. We live in the same building in the roof shoots have been mostly spontaneous. The mood hits and we’re up there. It’s like shooting in the clouds.'

When we saw the sun and the temp we ran upstairs to have some fun! The architecture, skyline and open sky inspire different feelings and moods for both of us, imagining Greek gods on Mount Olympus. The place inspires the classical beauty and form of Greek statues, heroes and gods.

Almost 500 feet above the city, one feels an energizing balance of serenity and power. The relationship between man and city is invigorating, inspiring and oddly sensual. Obviously you’re standing in a forest of massive phallic symbols. You strip naked and dance with the gods, standing in and even above the clouds.

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