Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Haruehun Airry: The Course of Creation

'I believe nudity is the purest form of portraying a person.'

Often it's an artist's own words that perfectly sum up what initially drew me to their work.  In the case of photographer and media practitioner  Haruehun Airry's, his use of the phrase 'purest form' which beautifully captured what I feel when spending time with Haruehun's imagery.

I love exploring Asian culture, and love featuring Asian artists and models.  It can however, be difficult at times to find subjects to feature.  In part, it's cultural, customs and laws with regards to nudity, especially male nudity, differs depending where in the world you live and work.  It's not just Asian culture that plays a role in how the male Asian form is presented, North American stereotypes is also a contributor.

In America, Asian men continue to be pushed into traditional stereotypes, often as either asexual, or over sexual, unassertive domestics or violent gang members or a karate chopping Jackie Chan.  Historically, Asian models have often been forced to take on one of these roles, especially Asian men in the media.

We all know however, that Asian men, like all men, have varying degree's of sensuality, aggression, passion and masculinity.  Stereotypes rarely represent those they represent and I love how Haruehun Airry ignores media convention and so purely captures the essence of the men in front of his camera.  It's obvious Haruehun doesn't just capture male beauty, but has a passion and a distinct eye for it.

Haruehun's images are precise, beautifully detailed and fully composed images of the model in front of his lens.  Haruehun's lighting and poses beautifully highlights every inch of the model he's shooting, the smoothness of their skin, the texture and softness of their lips and hair, both on their heads, an other parts of their body.  Raised in a family of artists, Haruehun images of the male form are both powerful and erotically distinct, making the Thailand based artist in demand by both models and advertisers who choose his images to represent their products.

After earning a bachelor's degree in Communication Management from Chulalongkorn University.  Haruehun's photography of the male form soon noticed and in addition to being widely published on Asian social media, has featured in man advertising campaigns, promotions as well as in books on the covers of many international magazines including Attitude and Men's Health.

The Process Piece: 

Haruehun also uses his art, and his celebrity to support causes he believes in and in 2011 was appointed by the Thai Red Cross AIDS Research Centre an advocate for a charity project called Adam′s Love which fosters comprehensive HIV/AIDS education.

Although it was Haruehun's unique skill at capturing his subjects in their purest form which first drew me to his work, it was also his course of creation that had me enjoying spending time on his Twitter and Instagram.  FH readers know I love the process piece, and Haruehun publishes many behind the scenes images from his shoots. 

It was hard to narrow down, but I wanted to include a few (ok, more than a few) favorite behind the scene shots in this piece.  Through Haruehun's many BTS scenes shots and videos, we get see the artist and models at work.  I love telling the story of an images creation, especially when that image is of the male form. More often than not, it's the process, and what occurs behind the scenes that reveals the most about how an artists works, and how that work results in the finished art that we all see.

'Male nudity. It is the most challenging to me. Some people say that because everyone loves seeing nudes, I don’t think so. Not everyone looks great in the nude.  Making a man beautifully interesting is my priority. Sometimes I use photography to prove my point. Like if I find someone really attractive, while other people might think he’s just average, my photography will prove it.'

1 comment:

Circu said...

Thanks for this feature. I also think Asian men are beautiful. I followed the link to where you can buy full books. Do you know if this photographer shows full nudity in any of the purchased material?