Friday, July 26, 2019

Import of the Day: Franz Pätzold

'Actors like to claim that they are ready to go to the limit. Only these limits are just somewhere else. With Franz Pätzold, they are always a bit further back than others. When he "pushes the limits," he passes them.'

30 German actor Franz Pätzold is not stranger to nude scenes, in film, on television, and especially on stage. Pätzold began studying theatre in 2007 at the College of Music and Theater Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy and quickly garnered both acclaim and awards for his roles on stage. Although he moved on to roles in TV and film, Pätzold's heart and soul remain in the theatre and has continued to work on stage in Germany in dozens of roles over the past decade.

Bier Royal (2018)

Don Juan, Residenz Theater (2019)

It was reading about Pätzold's role as legendary love Don Juan on stage this year in The Residenz Theater's production that had e looking for more about the actor.  Thanks to those Theatre and film lovers over at DC's, I was able to find more info, and of course images!

Below: You'll only see Franz between the legs of the actor on the right...

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