Saturday, August 17, 2019

Sponge Worthy?

Seinfeld has always been a show I've been both hot and cold on.  After it ended it's run on NBC, I bought all the DVD's as there were many episodes I hadn't seen.  I never put those DVD's in once, and ended up selling them on e-bay a few years later.  I caught the odd repeat on TV and sometimes loved the episode, and sometimes didn't.

Last month, when the show celebrated it's 30th anniversary, the show was everywhere again, on TV, magazines and on-line websites.  It had me wanting to give it another look.  Over the last month, I've watched most of the episodes, (skipping most of season 1 & 2) and again fell in love with the show.  Jerry gets sexier the more you watch and the supporting and guest cast is incredible.

I love whenever Jerry's parents (Liz Sheridan, Barney Martin) are on, especially when the show briefly visits Miami, or when Helen meets the close talker.  There were many great looking guys who passed through the show over the years, many playing boyfriends of Elaine, but others as friends and co-workers.  Over the next month or so, I'm going to feature a few of my favorites.  The choice of who to begin with was obvious, the delicious actor and former model, (below) who played Elaine's  most featured boyfriend during the shows run.  Check him out on PAGE 2 with Actor (HERE:) & Skin (HERE:)

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