Wednesday, January 1, 2020

A Belated Baring: Peter by Bodytorium

Better Late Then Never...

I didn't know when I started this piece, that Peter was the perfect model to feature as a late Christmas gift.  We all know 19 year old high school students are't exactly always reliable, especially around Christmas.  They're on a school break, they have family obligations and friends to see and parties to go to.  Lateness however, almost mean this particular gift almost didn't get unwrapped.

Phil describes Peter as a true free spirit, on of the most most laid back and easy going guy he's worked with.  Phil says that Peter is an  'up-for-anything' kind of guy,    This explains of course, why the 19 year old was up for baring it all for a photoshoot.  Unfortunately, free spirits tend to go with the flow more than following a clock or calendar.   On the day of the shoot, Phil waited around for two hours before Peter showed up.  Although initially pissed, Peter's friendly personality an collaborative personality made up for it, and the shoot ended up being a great success.

If you head to Bodytorium and check out three Peter's three folders, you'll see that Peter was indeed up-for-anything during the shooting process as well.  He rolls and crawls around, leaps into the air and creates dozens and dozens of fun and uniquely erotic poses.  Peter's limber physique comes from playing all kinds of sports.  He isn't into lifting weights like many of his friends.  Peter prefers playing soccer, swimming and flying around town on his skateboard.

Peter's main passion however is electronic music, and has traveled to almost every music festival in Europe.  You can see some of the souvenirs from the festivals on Peter's arm.  One of Peter's main concerns about the shoot wasn't about being naked, but about having to cut off his wrist bands. Peter was relieved and smiled when Phil told him he was more than fine with the wrist bands remaining.  Phil says that despite the rocky start to the shoot, both he and Peter were happy with how things went, in fact Peter is one of the few models who took the time to send Phil back his thoughts.

'Peter wrote that he really liked his photos because they were more authentic than his other usual poses and that the pictures revealed his true self --- naked, imperfect, not acting or pretending to be someone else. It's really me.'

See much more of Peter on Bodytorium HERE:

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