'It was difficult at first to watch Stephane position his body in ways that I can’t even describe.'
Anthony Timiraos
I often write that photographers shoot bodies and body parts while artists focus on pose, movement and form. It isn't that one is necessarily better than the other, but there is a distinction and clear visual difference. Most keen viewers can tell when a photographer's focus in on a specific body part, you can see it's front and center in almost every shot. The rest of the model's physique, and sometimes the model themselves, almost seems to fade into the background.
A beautiful penis and a great butt can lead to great visuals, but most of my favorite artists, are less concerned about the size and shape of individual body parts, but the male form in it's entirety, and the ways in which a model and move, utilize and configure their bodies into creatively architectural works of art. It's the reason so many artists love working with dancers, circus performers and athletes, models who have an acute connection between their mind and body.
Photographer Anthony Timiraos shoots beautiful bodies, but if you check out any of his books, or my previous features spotlighting his work, you know one of his main objection is capturing those bodies in creatively new and uniquely striking ways. It was Anthony's imagery, and a followers on his OnlyFans, that inspired acrobat and model Stephane Haffner to reach out about a collaboration.
Modeling wasn't originally one of Stephane's goal, his life had been focused on his career as an gymnast. After finished his career as an athlete, Stephane decided to devote himself to show business and has been working the circus world for the last twenty five years. Five years ago, Stephane created a show, AirOtic, specifically for the LGBT community. The show has toured on Gay Atlantis Cruises, as well as tours around the United States. Although Stephane had posed for promotional shots for the show, photographer Michael Stokes suggested he push the boundaries by trying to pose for more erotic photos.
'I discovered a completely new world that fascinated me and I got rid of all prejudices and I began to accept myself in all aspects and to pose for numerous other photographers.'
About two years ago that Stephane decided to created a profile on OnlyFans. It was there he began publishing and sharing not only his current work, as well as all the works that he'd had done in the past . It was one of his followers on OnlyFans that praised Anthony's work and suggested he get in contact about shooting.
'I am really happy to have been able to work with Anthony, his sense of light is truly spectacular and he is also a very sweet and sensitive person.'
After hearing from Stephane, Anthony checked out his work on-line and was eager to set up a shoot. Upon seeing that Stephane was already performing in Fort Lauderdale, Anthony says that it was easy to connect and set up a time to meet at his studio. Given his background as a gymnast, Anthony wanted to do a series of classical poses, and also collaborate with him artistic acrobatic poses.
'The first meeting in the studio we concentrated on classical dramatic poses only because he was doing a show that evening and did not want to stress his body before the show. A performer always perform - and his ability to connect with the camera and deliver dramatic poses is a photographer’s dream. Two plus hours and finally I had to stop and announce there was enough shots for a solo photography show!'
'We scheduled a date for acrobatic poses and Stephane shows up in the studio ready to stretch and pose. It was difficult to watch him position his body in ways that I can’t even describe. Artistically, it was beautiful. I can see the difficulties and hard work he experiences when he does his job. But as a performer, he makes it look very simple and enjoyable for the audience. A third meeting at the studio provided some erotic and more classical poses.'
Stephane on Youtube
'He is truly a gentleman, a hard worker, handsome and determined to continue succeeding.'
1 comment:
Would be happy to give him a hand
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