Sunday, April 5, 2020

Instagrams that Inspire: Leslie Jordan

'Me, a homosexual? The very idea makes me howl with manly laughter.'
Beverley Leslie

Eating Out: All You Can Eat

Many of you may already have heard, but one of the best remedies to isolation anxiety is spending some time with actor and comedian Leslie Jordan!  Although Leslie gained mainstream attention for his role on Will & Grace, you no doubt have seen him before.  Jordan's been a fixture on television and in film since the early 80's.  I think one of the first times I took notice was after seeing his turn as 'Brother Boy' aka Tammy Wynett in Sordid Lives. (2000)

The first night I discovered Jordan's Instagram, I went down the rabbit hole watching and enjoying videos for over an hour.  Jordan is a natural storyteller and in addition to being hilarious, many of his stories are incredibly touching, especially the ones about his father.  The 'bride doll' on Christmas Eve being my favorite.  Jordan tells tales of his many roles in Hollywood, his co-stars, his family and riding his bike (wicker basket and all) to farm markets on Sunday mornings.

I especially love Jordan's stories about his co-stars, including the recurring theme about his crush on American Horror Story co-star Dylan McDermott.   McDermott also pops up occasionally in the comments section responding to Jordan's posts.  I think one of the most surprising things about Jordan's videos was finding out what a crazy busy schedule he has.  We often assume the actors we see on TV and on film, shoot their projects, then lie around their swimming pool.  Jordan is on the road constantly, some weeks, making two or three videos, each from a different State he's visiting or performing his one man show in.


Some of you may have seen Jordan's Dorito's Superbowl commercial.  I had to add it given it also featured  Nick Ayler, a model and DJ that FH have enjoyed for many years.

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