Thursday, November 24, 2022

Stephen Shellen in Gimme An 'F'

The longer you look, the better it gets, and the better you look, the longer it gets...'

Recently when researching another post, I came upon an image of actor Stephen Shellen's tighty whitie dance from 1984's Gimme an 'F'.  I've featured Stephen, and the video before, and went back to my previous Actors & Skin post (HERE:) to re-watch the scene.  It's a hot scene, and certainly worthy of a re-watch.

Shellen with choreographer Steve Merritt

When I went back to the post, I noticed the Youtube video I embedded had been taken down.  This scene must be popular as that was the third time, from three different Youtube accounts, that I embedded in the piece over the years.  This time, instead of embedding another version, only have it deleted, I'd upload the video directly to the site. Let's hope this tie it sticks!

1 comment:

xtian2011 said...

Oh, this brings back memories! I hadn't thought of this film (go figure) since I was a lusty pre-teen/teenager in the 80s. Of course, I don't remember anything else from the film, except for that scene. Thank you for sharing and thank my mother for getting us cable!