Saturday, March 18, 2023

The Angle of the Ass

When it comes to imagery of the male form, many limit their views to rear shots, and the old full frontal.  Like any great piece of art however, there are many sides and angles that flatters different pieces and parts.  Some of my favorite shots of men and models are from the side, an angle I very often find, far more visually interesting.

Just like the female cleavage shots, showcasing a woman's breasts, I also love the male cleavage shot, showcasing their shapely backsides.  Sometimes these shots are planned and posed, and sometimes, as in the case of Gavi, they happen spontaneously, in the moment.

18 year old Gavi, (Pablo Martín Páez Gavira) is a Spanish professional footballer who plays central midfielder for  La Liga club Barcelona and the Spain national team.  Soccer, or fútbol in Spanish,  is Spain’s national sport and easily the country’s most popular spectator sport.

Gavi is known for ball control as well as his sometimes.. aggressive tenacities on the field.  Sometimes that aggressiveness means the loss of control, and during a recent game, Gavi lost control, well at least control of his shorts.  Gavi's play provided photographers on the sideline a great angle for capturing the moment, and for capturing a great angle of Gavi's glorious glutes.

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