'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.'
Declaration of Independence
During the length of time that I've been working on FH, there have been four US Presidents in office. For most of that time, I had no problem writing positive and hopeful posts, for and about the Fourth of July. Sadly, that changed in 2016 when hate, bigotry and division were propelled to the forefront by the orange asshole who inhabited the White House.
Yes, I know, I know, hate and bigotry were always there. Until 2016 however, every leader in my lifetime, regardless of party, rejected the hate, and challenged their citizens to reject the ugly underbelly of a small minority. Since 2016, it's been harder and harder for me to post just fun 4th of July imagery, Positive rah-rah statements and quotes about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are great, but yet the current divisions in the country have to also be recognized.
I thought this year might be the year to get back to just celebratory piece.. Joe Biden is a decent man, and I fully support his policies and philosophies. He's dedicated and compassionate, something so desperately missed the previous four years before he took office. I was also encouraged when earlier this year, SCOTUS struck down Alabama's congressional map which attempted to limit the power of Black voters.
Then this week happened with SCOTUS once again signaling to LGBTQ and minority citizens that they were lesser than, and should without the full rights written and granted by John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston. The issue wasn't only that that their recent decisions didn't propel us forward, most of us know, and have experienced how slow change can be. The pain and frustration is because their decisions took us backwards, back to a place we'd already fought to move on from.

Although I remain confidant that one day things will be as they should be, with everyone seen as equal under the law, it's hard not to be impatient. Still, I know one day, it's going to happen, especially if we all continue to push and fight. Those who believe in Democratic principals have to remain strong, and not give in, even on the little things. Woke is a fucking great word, a word first used by Black Americans fighting racism in the 1940's. It's meaning is powerful, and it also bugs the shit out of so many on the right, especially the governor of Florida. It's not time to shy away from being woke, or using the word, it's time to shout it even louder.

The extreme right have attempted to take so many positive things away. The Bible at it's core is about equality, the Gospel of Matthew (7:12): tells us that 'In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. .' It's all about loving your neighbors, your fellow citizens. Yet, right-winged evangelicals have used the Bible as a weapon of hate. The Declaration of Independence is an important document and the flag a powerful symbol. It's time to take them back and not allow spreaders of division and hate to own and use them against citizens of their own country. The American flag belong everywhere, just not on the back of pick-ups on their way to Trump rallies.

I apologize for my rant, I really try not to get too political on FH. I know every country in the world has struggles, including allies to the US. Canada is still struggling with many things, most prominently, it's history of mis-treatment of Indigenous peoples. Racism remains a struggle in the UK, and we've all seen the coverage of the current protests in France. I could not however, just write light, celebratory posts without acknowledging the recent discriminatory decisions by the SCOTUS.
Some you might remember Marvin, whose work with photographer Bob Burkhardt I featured last November. (Eye Catcher) When Bob initially sent on his work with Marvin last Autumn, I tucked away this series, thinking they'd be perfect for Independence Day. When I initially saw these shots, especially the last series of images of Marvin removing his flag t-shirt as sexy and erotic. They still are. At the same time however, Marvin removing his shirt seemed to take a different meaning given recent events.
I know this wasn't the intent when shot, but great visuals have ability to be seen through the lens of both the artist, as well as the viewer. The also have the power to be viewed through the lens of the time they were captured and the time that they're seen. If FH is still on-line years from now, even after I stop updating, I'll be curious how this post, these images, all of the images on the site in fact, are interpreted and seen.
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