Saturday, July 22, 2023

Back to the Locker Room:

'No one knows what to say in the locker room.'
Muhammad Ali

Earlier this month, FH headed into the locker room with a series of vintage cmnm images. (HERE:) When I was putting together the piece, there were many shots I put aside to post separately.  Most of these shots, are from Life Magazine and feature athletes with their coaches, team physicians, locker room attendants and sports massage therapists.

I love the casual element to these images and how they're incidentally erotic.  There is nothing directly sexual about any of the shots, yet the cmnm element makes them both natural, even innocent, yet at the same time, visually evocative and interesting to view.

There are plenty of vintage shots of naked guys in the locker room, but over the next month or two, I'm looking to focus on cmnm, especially in natural, and non-sexual settings.  That doesn't mean the shots aren't sexy, it just means their was intent to be directly sexual in the situation or image.

Joe Albanese

I especially love this series of shots of baseball pitcher Joe Albanese who played for both the Boston Red Sox and The Washington Senators.  There is something about the lighting, the poses, and the look in Albanese's face and eyes.  There's also the odd situation of him being dried off by either a coach or locker room assistant.  Not sure how common it was or baseball players to be dried off by another, but it certainly requires some further research...

Derek Sanderson (Hockey center)

Mickey Mantle

Ray York

1 comment:

JJ said...

I actually came across a couple of different shots of Joe DiMaggio in the locker rooms after showering! Neither were salacious looking in any way - just a guy horsing around after a game!