Friday, July 7, 2023

Overture, Certain Sights: Jake by Studio1x

Overture, certain sights, 
This is it, the night of nights 
No more rehearsing and nursing a part 
We know every part by heart 

I try my best with FH, was to never present an overture without then raising the curtain on the entire show.  I know many sites, present a tease, then link to a 'paid' site after the jump.  I have worked with photographers who like to save certain sights for just paid subscribers, but I've never that found that especially effective. 

I love a tease, but a tease without a payoff can be frustrating.  I know for myself, I more likely to pay for a site or OnlyFans when I've visually sampled what's on the menu and had my appetite pleasurably whetted.  When I'm teased with a menu item, only to be sent somewhere to buy something, I'm usually more annoyed that tempted, and close the window quickly.

That's not to say photographers and models shouldn't save the 'good stuff' for their paid sites, it's only that every tease needs a payoff of some kind, not just a pay here.  Most photographers I spotlight understand this, and give a little sampling of what you can nibble on if you join their page.  I mean aren't more likely to buy a product in the grocery store if you really enjoyed the mini-sample they let you eat?

One photographer who never hides the visual payoff is Jim from Studio1x.  Although I always thought Jim should start an OnlyFans, he's always provided his shoots in their entirety for me to share. Jim's shoots, including this one featuring Jake, often conclude with a climatic ending, so climatic, I usually don't included the final series of shots, or post a few on The OVER-FLOW site.

The beginning of Jake's shoot starts off relatively PG.  I've written before how much I love the slow, teasing, strips Jim captures in studio shoots. Jakes slow reveal, sliding down his jeans to expose both is beautiful body, skin and ring thong were covered in about 1000, about a third of the images Jim sent on.

Now I said I don't like a tease without a payoff, so I'm going to spotlight the remainder of the shots, just not today.  Although I try to always present the payoff, I never said it had to be instant.  You can check out more of Jake's reveal on the NEXT PAGE HERE, and read Jim's thought on his work with Jake.  As for the the final part of the shoot, I promise to post those very soon!

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