'I solemnly swear I am up to no good.'
Harry Potter
Like all holidays, Halloween, both the meaning and the activities, change as we move from child to adult. When we're really little, the costumes aren't really that significant, they're usually chosen by our parents anyways. At this stage, the focus is the trick or treating, visiting our neighbors, and seeing what goodies they'll put in our plastic pumpkin.
When we get a little older, old enough to trick or treat with our friends, not our parents, candy is usually still in focus. We move from plastic pumpkin to pillow case, and it's all about the haul. One of my favorite parts of this stage of the holiday was getting home, dumping the candy on the floor, then separating it into categories. Mini-bars, chips, cheezies, rockets and candy kisses. It was also always fun opening the treat bags, and seeing what was inside.
Once we hit 12 or 13, Halloween transitions again. You still love the candy, and head out with a pillow case, but now in addition to the treats, we also add eggs, toilet paper and other trick related items, and sneak them out, hoping our parents don't notice. I wasn't a mean kid, and never stole candy from smaller kids, but I did cause my fair share of trouble on Halloween night.
I think the worst thing I did with my friend, besides egging houses, was the invisible rope trick. Some of you may remember this dangerous and stupid prank. When it was dark, you and another kid would stand on opposite sides of a street, then pretend your pulling a rope when a car approaches. Most cars whizzed by, but occasionally a driver would slam on the breaks. Then, we'd run like hell into the nearby woods, scared shitless, and laughing the entire time.
Once we turned 18, Halloween changed yet again. Then, it was all about parties and sex. Costumes were now a priority, something eye catching and sexy, or something incredibly creative. Which ever choice you made, the goal was the same, to attract the attention of others.
At some point, and it fluctuates from person to person, Halloween changes once again, sometimes, for the last time. Once you start having children, have a full time job, or just are busy with responsibilities, Halloween is no longer about you. It's either about your kids, and they're costumes, and their fun, or it's about answering that damned front door. Thankfully, I haven't hit that stage yet, and given my love of the holiday, doubt I ever will.
With each stage of the holiday, the costumed dramatically change. From dressing up as cute devils or comic book characters, to naughty nurses and skin baring outfits that don't require a shirt. When you're kid, your superhero costume is all about the mask and cape, as an adult, it's sometimes more about the tight spandex and showcasing your butt and crotch. Not everyone of course, wen through the 'sexing' up of our costumes, but many of us used the holiday as an occasion to spread our tail feathers.
No movie character, or actor for that matter, better sums up these drastic changes than Harry Potter and Daniel Radcliffe. When Radcliffe first put on the glasses, picked up his wand, and donned his Hogwarts uniform he was a cute 12 year old kid. By the time the film franchise ended 10 years later, Radcliffe was 22 year old man, exploring his acting chops.
It's hard to remember that Radcliffe was just 18, when he appeared nude in Equus on the London Stage. He was still appearing as Harry at the time and it was hard for many to get their head around the young kid from the wizard movies, as a sexual, and naked young man. The weaving of a childlike innocence with a more adult sensuality, is very central to many holidays, especially the ones rooted in elements of fantasy. We grow out of believing in Santa, big bunnies and flying witches, yet many of us try desperately to hold on the spirit as we get older.
I can't think of a better model to embody these dual, and often contrasting elements, than Taylor from The Male Form by CP. Taylor has that twinkle in his eye, and that youthful sweetness, blended with a very adult, and sexually mature side. Taylor has been a part of The Male Form by CP for the last few years, and certainly a favorite of many. When I was thinking of the costume theme for this year, and contrasting elements of innocence with naughty, I knew the perfect visuals, would be CP's shots of Taylor as Harry Potter to represent the theme. As you can see from the shot below, Harry's certainly up... to (no) good.