Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Elliott Brady: Appareled

'What to wear, what to wear?'

We all have a 'signature' look, even if we don't realize it.  I know this first hand.  I didn't think I had one, but some of my friends let me know, in no uncertain terms, that I did.  Dark dress shirt, usually green or blue and often with stripes and jeans.  They let me know one day, when I showed up wearing a light yellow shirt.  They let me know by applauding when I walked in.  When I asked what why they were clapping, they all laughed and thanked me for switching it up for a change.

As hot as model Elliott Brady looks choosing his wardrobe for the day, anyone whose familiar with his modeling work, know he too has a signature look that we all appreciate and love.  If you're not familiar with Elliott, I'm guess when you see the look, you'll recognize it, and him.  Check out much more of Elliott, and his celebrated apparel on the NEXT PAGE HERE:

Elliott Brady on Instagram 

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