Friday, July 19, 2024

Frozen & Afraid

Over the last few years I've been watching less and less cable news.  It's anxiety provoking, and truly not healthy.  That being said, because I work from home a couple of days a week, I often have a music or news channel on as background as I work.  Even that however, changed recently.

After the last Presential debate, cable news went from insufferable, to dangerous and I not only stopped watching, I called my cable provider had them removed.   That meant, I also lost a few other channels I used as background during the days I was at home.  I share all this, because it was that decision, that led my introduction to Dave.

Although clearly a fan of the nude male form, I've never watched much Naked and Afraid.  I don't think until last week, that I ever watched any really.  Maybe a clip or two, a minute here in there, but the concept never really appealed to me.  In addition, if I'm watching a show rooted in nudity, I want a little nudity, ad Naked and Afraid goes overboard with it's annoying pixilation.   I don't expect frontals for sure, but so many of the rear shots are pixilated, even when it doesn't need to be.

Last week, after downgrading my cable services, and getting rid of many channels, I realized some of the other channels I used as background had disappeared as well.  That left only a few options for background sound.  The comedy channel wouldn't do, I'd pay to much attention, either would any show really that had me watching more than listening.   I did find two channels however, that work well.  A local channel that plays old Hallmark movies, and a Discovery channel that plays marathons of Naked and Afraid.

I didn't know the show also did some 'frozen' and afraid episodes and I turned to find the incredibly hot Wild Man Dave walking naked in the woods and in the snow.  Because of the sub freezing temperatures, Dave's partners didn't last long.  That meant there were long scenes of just Dave gathering wood, fishing and working on his shelter.  Despite the blurring, I became mesmerized watching Dave work his way through his time in the frozen forest. 

The show certainly put Dave through the ringer, with the location, the elements and spending so much time by himself. Ultimately, Dave had to be taken out early due to eating some poison raw mushrooms.  Despite how things ended, Dave proved himself to be incredibly impressive in his beauty, and his physical toughness. 

As much as I enjoyed watching Dave work his way through the shows challenges, when I visited his Instagram page, I got the feeling we wouldn't be that compatible.   It wasn't just that Dave is straight, I think from his images, we might differ on many things.  That being said, there was something hot about The Good Fight's Diane Lockhart and Kurt McVeigh.   I can handle differences, even political differences, as long as they're not orange and hateful related. 

I'm not sure I'll watch more of the reality show, but I did enjoy my time watching Dave.  I didn't get a lot of work done, but the diversion was definitely worth it.  If anyone wants to check out the episode, it's title is 'Snow Daze' and it's episode 17 from season 11. 

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