Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Adam Zoekt Eva

The Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east.  He instructed Adam and Eve to, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.
Genesis 2:8

If you think about it, most reality shows that involve romance, follow the story of Adam and Eve.  Love Island, Temptation Island, even The Bachelor are all set in tropical hot and steamy paradises.  So many of the couples interactions occur outside, often on the beach, surrounded by lush tropical greenery. 

The couples arrive, and before too long are met with temptation.  There may not be an actual snake or apple, but these shows all want the maximum amount of drama.  This means, whenever a couple begins to get close, temptation is just around the corner. 

In Europe, where nudity can be shown on broadcast television, this concept was introduced in the Dutch reality series Adam Zkt. Eva (Adam seeks Eve)  Promoted as a 'unique love experiment', the shows nudity did cause a bit of controversy, even for the usually liberal Dutch.  The show first aired back in 2014 on RTL 5, and quickly spawned other European editions in countries including; Germany Finland, France and Spain.

As you can see from the images below, there's a hot formula for introducing each Adam and Eve.  They arrive clothed on a boat, and are taken close to the beach.  The contestants then must strip down, dive into the ocean and swim ashore. Some of the hottest moments of the show for me, are when Adam ascends from the sea and walks onto the beach.

After 'Adam' get acquainted with his surrounds, he then meets his 'Eve'.  Soon, a snake arrives, not a long serpent, but another naked contestant to ensure any possible coupling doesn't go smoothly.  The show then takes on the familiar formula of many dating shows by brining everyone together, then having and games and competitions before one player must leave the show.

I discovered the show on Dreamcap, where most of the images here came from.  I've also featured two my favorite players, Jantius and Collins previously on the site.  You can check out those posts, which both include a video of their naked arrival, on FH HERE & HERE:

Adam meets Eve

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