Sunday, September 22, 2024

Literary Lines: George by Xay Vang

The purpose of art is to lay bare the questions that have been concealed by the answers.
James Baldwin

I love when imagery of the male form weaves together the arts..  Images combining; literature, architecture, painting, sculpture, music and cinema. So many of my favorite photographers incorporate sculpture, and some, including Robert J. Guttke, have incorporated numerous art forms within their work.

I am especially drawn to the use of literature, and the physical manifestation of books.  Although I've featured many literary themed shoots, a few specific shoots come to mind. Guttke, (HERE:) and Michael Puff, (HERE:) used stacks of book, and Richard Rothstien included a room full of books, (HERE:) as well as visual manifestation of a classic bard within his work. (HERE:)

It was through this lens, that I was drawn to this series featuring George by photographer Xay Vang.  I've been currently enjoying taking a deep dive into George's (Random Exposure) archives.  Although I've recently featured his work behind the camera, one of my favorite pieces, featured George's images, experiences and stories of being a nude life model. (HERE:) 

Although this certainly wasn't George's first time modeling nude, it was the first time George hired a photographer to capture him.  Previously, George's nude modeling had been for art students, and artists, inspiring George to strive to go to the next level of modeling and be shot by a fellow artist and photographer.

The location is the living room in George's home, with the large row of bookcases lining one wall between the two large windows and light sources.  I loved the way Xay captured George with the bookcase, not only posing in front of it, but interacting with it.  George shares that the bookcases were actually his wife's idea, and that she actually installed them herself.  

I found myself myself visually drawn not just to George, but to the books and art pieces on the shelves, including the sculptures and collection of wooden and ceramic birds.   Of course, I was also trying to identify specific books on the shelves, so had to ask George which editions were his favorites, and there any, he's picked up to read multiple times.

'I don’t often read the same book twice. But some exceptions would be Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, A Confederacy of Dunces, The Monkey Wrench Gang. Poetry by Mary Oliver, Richard Wilbur, Theodore Roethke. And of course revisiting the over 200 photography books in my collection.'

In addition to posing naked in the room, and in front of the bookshelves, George has also used the location to shoot many of the models he's worked with over the years.  I know from the stats, FH readers enjoyed my recent post featuring George's work with Nolan. (HERE:)  So.... if you want to see more of George's bookshelves, and more of a naked Nolan, head on over to the NEXT PAGE HERE:

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