Sunday, September 22, 2024

Meeting Mr. Wright

Jack Wright has been heating up TikTok for a few years, but I only discovered the 21-year-old hottie recently.  I avoided TikTok for awhile, but have since gone down the rabbit hole of cute kitty videos and dancing young hotties.  Jack Wright is one of those young hotties.  He loves to dance, often shirtless, Jack actually does a lot of things shirtless, many most of us wouldn't do with a shirt on.

His great body and head of blond hair are just the opening attraction.  His millions of followers also love his dancing, and having fun doing... well pretty  much everything and anything.  Jack also has a twin brother, but we don't see him much, not that I could see, on Jack's social media pages.

What we do see is lots of dancing, having fun, attending fashion week, traveling, and hanging out with friends.  We also see trips to the beach!  This of course lends itself for more shirtless shots, and even the odd, but really quick look, at a Wright full moon.  Many of those videos get posted, then quickly deleted, but if you're fast, you might catch a peak.

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