Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Favorite Pic of the Day for July 3rd

~Check ou today's BIRTHDAYS HERE:~

He Wears It Well

Alejandro García looking hot in his stars and stripes speedo

The Male Form By CP: The Red, The White, The Blue


True patriotism springs from a belief in the dignity of the individual, freedom and equality not only for Americans but for all people on earth…
Eleanor Roosevelt

The American flag consists of 13 horizontal stripes, seven red alternating with six white. The stripes represent the original 13 Colonies and the stars represent the 50 states of the Union. The colors of the flag are symbolic as well; RED symbolizes hardiness and valor, WHITE symbolizes purity and innocence, and BLUE represents vigilance, perseverance and justice.


The stars and stripes and the red, white and blue on the American flag make it one of the most famous, and visually stunning flags in the world.  Every year I love to find new images featuring the flag, with equally stunning men, posing, holding and draped by the colors and symbols.  This year, I have new models to feature, Constantine and Kanou, both shot by The Male Form by CP.

Thanks to The Male Form with CP for sharing these shots, some of which have not been published before.

Lowering the Flag 🗽

12 Days:
Matthias Schweighöfer in
Friendship (2010)

It's 1989 and while all of Germany is celebrating the German Reunification, Veit and Tom set off for America with nothing more than a 100 Deutsch Marks "welcoming money" in their pocket. They are trying to find Veit's Dad who fled long before the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Although 2010's Friendship is a German/American film, the location and the story are definitely all American.  Directed by Markus Goller, the movie has a familiar theme.  You know the one where the stranger, the foreigner, even the alien from outer space arrive in the United States.  They don't know the language, the customs or the culture.

In this case, the 'stranger' are Veit, (Friedrich Mücke) and Tom, (Matthias Schweighöfer) two friends we meet at the beginning of the film.  The first few scenes take place in Germany, and in those few scenes, we see Veit and Tom's first meeting, and quickly understand why they became friends.  We also find out that 'friendship' was the first word they learned when planning their trip to America.

Given it's a road trip, we know there will be plenty of obstacles in their way to find Veit's father in San Francisco.  For starters, they only have enough cash to get to New York which means once they land, they have to find money and a means to get to the other side of the country. This means doing what they can to make money, from showing their films, to stripping and eventually agreeing to drive a car to California.

The move is often categorized as a 'gay film', but neither of the lead characters are gay.  I think given it's star is Schweighöfer, who some know from his many nude scenes, (some you can see on FH HERE:) promoting the film as 'gay themed' may have made some odd sense at the time.  There is a sweet dynamic between the two male leads, and although just friends, it's easy to imagine the two getting together sexually, even if just for a night.

Along the way, they're arrested twice, once when they arrive in the US, and once for 'public nakedness' while on the road.  After cleaning up in a lake, the two get back int the car wearing almost nothing, as their clothes hang out of the car to drive.  When they're pulled over by the police, Tom (Schweighöfer) get's out with only an American Flag to cover the goods.  Never has there been a hotter lowering of the flag...  Thanks to RESTITUDA1 for helping jog my memory about this scene! 

Filling Up the Fourth!

Not feelin' the fourth this year, I hear you.  It's been an odd and depressing couple of weeks, especially if you believe in Democracy.   Right wing extremists are pushing hard in many parts of the world and I think it's going to get worse, before it gets better.  That being said, there are still plenty of people fighting the good fight, and on the 4th, they deserve a bit of a break.  Here are a few visuals, FH style, of some favorite ways to fill up the fourth.

Hit the water, on a boat, on a board, anyway that puts the wind at your face and the sun on your skin.  Depending on where you are, boating  is also a great way to meet people, nothing hotter than hitting a body of water and running into a lone boater in a stars and stripes speedo.

Get creative.  Home alone? Don't want to be home alone?  Maybe a patriotic selfie, (above) will attract some attention.  If you want to go a bit further, adding an Independence Day video, (below) to your dating profile app, might just have a few others waving their flags.

Barbeques are a 4th of July tradition, but many of us prefer our meat a little more rare, aka still a live and breathing. Why not just call up a buddy, open a beer, and get nice a toasty around a backyard fire pit.

Hit the beach! 

No better time to work on that all-over summer tan, than an afternoon at the beach.  Just don't stay out in the sun for too long, the goal is to be bronzed, not baked. 

Swim, or better yet, teach a friend to swim. (below)  Holidays are all about having fun, and giving.  Why not give the gift of swimming to a thirsty friend, by pushing them in, then stripping down, and providing the motivation for them to dog paddle back to shore. 

Jump in, jump on a surf board, or jump into a kayak.  Just remember, they're all a lot more fun when the jumping is done completely naked.

Don't really into getting into the water, then how about running beside it.  Depending on the heat and humidity, naked jogging is best done in the morning and at dusk.

Don't feel like running or jumping, how about just standing?  Nothing better than standing on the shore, staring out at the waves, and enjoying the company of a few close friends.

Get lit!

Have a ball!  Whatever you decide to do, create, relax, hit the beach or play sports,  just have fun.  Life, work and the real world will be their to deal with on the 5th.

I'm guessing not many Maga's check in on FH, but if you are one, you may want to skip on by this suggestion.   If you can't think of anything to do for yourself this 4th, do something for your country.  In my opinion, the orange asshole has been responsible for so much pain, violence and death.  He's inspired more hate and divisiveness than any other American that I can think of in history.  

So..... if you're not doing any of the above activities,  plan your vote, talk to friends, volunteer, or just moon one of his properties.  Anything to help ensure the most racist, homophobic, misogynistic, narcissistic, sociopathic and stupid candidate ever... never gets anywhere near the White House again.