Thursday, February 27, 2025

Pass the Buck

Come On Down!!!

I didn't watch a lot of The Price is Right when I was a kid, for some reason I didn't gravitate towards the show.  I do remember watching episodes with Bob Barker on sick days, and during school vacations when I was in school in the late 80's and 90's.   


I think what I remember most, more than Bob, or any of the games, were Barker's beauties.  Holly, Diane and Janice were fixtures throughout the time I watched.   You'd never get away with the name today, or some of the outfits they wore, but as an in the closet gay kid, I love watching the glamourous, long haired beauties, especially during the showcase showdowns. 


I don't think I've ever seen more than a minute or two of the show since Drew Carey took over.  It has nothing to do with Drew, more my level of interest in the show.  I did however, catch the beginning the other day, just the first 10 minutes before I headed out for a meeting. 

 I was initially surprised to see actor James O'Halloran sitting shirtless on a jet ski.  I'd forgotten, I'd featured both James, and fellow Drew Dude, Devin Goda, in posts previously on the site..  James was featured HERE:, and Devin HERE:  Both have shown flashes of their butts, something we sadly won't see on a daytime talk show.

I'm not sure how I would have handled Barker's Boys if there were male models on the show when I used to watch.  As much as I love seeing them now, at the point in time, I really enjoyed seeing three beautiful women on the show.  That being said, if there were male models on the show then, I'm betting they would have worn a speedo now and then instead of the long board shorts they were today.

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