Favorite Blast From The Past for April 3rd Timothy Patrick Murphy
Timothy Patrick Murphy was a fixture on television during the early 80's. With roles on Search For Tomorrow, Dallas, Glitter and as a young Michael Landon in Sam's Son. Sadly his time in Hollywood was cut short with his death in 1988 from Aids at the age of 29. He was a bright light for the short time he was with us.
Thank you for doing a blog about Timothy. Such a beautiful gay lost so early. I am glad that you found other pictures of him, not just from his time on Dallas and of the picture on Sam's Son. The picture of him in the blue sweater holding the glasses with the facial hair ... looks like it was taken of him later in the 80s. It must of been horrible for him battling that dreadful disease.
I really liked Timothy Patrick Murphy. FIrst saw him on Search for Tomorrow and loved him on Dallas and Sam's Son. He was a great actor and incredibly handsome. Thanks for posting the photos. There is a media reporter on CNN that i see all the time looks just like him to me. I cant think of his name but he always wears a bowtie.
Thank you for doing a blog about Timothy. Such a beautiful gay lost so early. I am glad that you found other pictures of him, not just from his time on Dallas and of the picture on Sam's Son. The picture of him in the blue sweater holding the glasses with the facial hair ... looks like it was taken of him later in the 80s. It must of been horrible for him battling that dreadful disease.
I really liked Timothy Patrick Murphy. FIrst saw him on Search for Tomorrow and loved him on Dallas and Sam's Son. He was a great actor and incredibly handsome. Thanks for posting the photos. There is a media reporter on CNN that i see all the time looks just like him to me. I cant think of his name but he always wears a bowtie.
OH I found it his name is TUcker Carlson. Here are links to photos to show how similar he looks:
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