I think the show really sunk to new lows by having Mike Tyson on yesterday. (I also wondered if Elizabeth was not there for that very reason...). I love Whoopi, but she has a a bit of a pattern of defending the men in most cases (Tiger Woods, Chris Brown...). Joy at least seemed a bit uncomfortable with the whole thing.
I understand everyone needs a second chance but the way women chose to interview him, often as a victim was more than a bit disgusting. If you look not just a the rumors of what crimes Tyson has committed, but the actual offences he has been charged with you have to wonder why Walters and the show would have had him on. The actual interview did little to push Tyson on issues, but rather geared talk more towards his accomplishments and role as a mentor for youth. Really...Really.
All this in the same week where Elisabeth Hasselbeck had to say she was sorry to Erin Andrews (which she should have btw) for her remarks about her DWTS costumes. Although Robin Givens may not be the most likable of women, that should really not be a factor, yet it often comes up. For a show that describes themselves 'for and about women' The View certainly took two very large punches at a pair of women both of whom are largely known to the public for being victims themselves.
Way to go ladies!
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