Yet...I always liked Laura Bush.
Although it was nice to hear her speak about her support of gay marriage. But even when her husband was in office it appeared, ever so subtly, that she disapproved of so much of what he was doing. She tried to hide it.... but there were little twitches in certain interviews that gave her up. Loved her for those twitches!
I really wanted Hillary Clinton to win. I like Obama but I always felt Clinton could more easily move her way through the crap and red tape and get things done quicker than Obama seems to be able to. Yet I never liked her husband... Bill did amazing work when in office. I so loved so many of the things he did as President. Yet... he always had a bit of the skeezy factor that despite his health issues and advanced age I can still see even today.
I hate that John McCain is working so hard to maintain Don't Ask Don't Tell... yet still like something about him. Love his family as a whole. I spent a lot of time researching the McCain's when Hillary was out of the running and although could not have supported them, grew to respect them.
Then there is Sarah Palin...
I dislike almost everything that comes out of that woman's mouth. Yet... I said before I bet she would be a hell of a friend. What is most scary about Palin is not so much her, but the loyal support she has. Palin should be an non entity in the world of politics yet she is not.
This brings me to the point of this post, Bristol Palin. It seems there are many people who cannot bring themselves to like Laura simply because of George, like Hillary because of Bill or Like The McCain's because of their party. I was a bit disappointed in all the hits Bristol has taken, not because of what she did or who she is, but because of who her mother is. Those of us with parents who are not famous are not defined by the people around us based on who are parents are.

You and I agree on so much (I, though, can't stand anyone with the last name Palin). Imagine the late night practice session Mark Ballis and Derrick Hough have for their band Hough Ballis. Those two are awesome. Mark is married, though. Of course, Derrick is not. tee-hee-hee
Laura Bush seems to also dislike her mother-in-law Barbara, too!! I noticed one of those telltale "twitches" you described on an interview someone caught with her not too long after 9/11. The reporter basically asked what the senior Bush's had to say, and Barbara and Laura looked a little uncomfortable and replied something like "...we really haven't spoken much....!" and then added something to that to not make it sound like "in quite a while...!"
President George Bush was a far better leader for America than the Socialist, Communist, Marxist Barack Obama could ever hope to be. At least President Bush didn't blame Bill Clinton for all the problems he had to deal with [left behind by Clinton} and took responsibility for his mistakes, unlike Obama who blames everyone else but himself for his disasterous decisions in his first two years in office and the fact that he has absolutely no political experience behind him (his own words in a 2006 interview) when asked about running for President for 2008.
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